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  1. JDFan

    LDHS created a hoarder.

      You should have replaced it with the next empty and put it away for yourself and not said anything :twisted:
  2. JDFan

    Ghost Pepper Had A Recovery

      LOL - yeah it's pretty sad when the plants that wind up producing and looking the best are usually the ones you've given up on and stopped giving attention to, then they pop up and out perform the ones you think you are doing everything for !
  3. JDFan

    Late season Jalapeno finally popping off! 73 and counting!

    And here you were worried about it never producing !! -- Looking good.
  4. JDFan

    Growing problems

    My guess would be Broad Mite damage - check the leaves very closely for insects (they're tiny and hard to see so might want to get a magnifying glass ! ) - but could be something else like sun damage or herbicide overspray.
  5. JDFan

    Free roast,Hatch Pepper

    Just wanted to say thanks for the reminder to get the case of peppers before they ran out !!   Got them today and while processing the case for the freezer - refrig etc. decided to make a nice green chile stew for dinner tonight that's cooking in the crock pot now  (been sneaking tastes for a...
  6. JDFan

    Free roast,Hatch Pepper

      We get them pretty cheap around here this time of year and most places offer free roasting as well (they have a nice big propane drum smoker that gives off a great smell at the front of the stores to increase sales - And it works !!)
  7. JDFan

    An opportunity....?

      SO he already has them making her recipe - then why do you think it is worth buying the recipe from her if he could just buy the made sauce directly from them (avoiding paying your portion of the sale) and is already doing so how are you going to stop them from doing the same in the future (...
  8. JDFan

    shopping What's Everyone's Opinion on This Product

    Just bought some of the Alaska Fish emulsion concentrate (5-1-1) there the other day for $3 a quart ( says to mix 1 Tbs. per gallon of water so yeah it is a bit smelly in the bottle as it is pretty highly concentrated - but not too bad once mixed for use.   Also bought a couple 8 lb. bags of...
  9. JDFan

    organic Jobes water soluble organic fert

    Thanks for the heads up ! -- Picked up a couple of 8lb. organic fertilizers (Espoma Plant Tone 5-3-3) yesterday for $5 each and a couple quarts of Alaska Fish emulsion concentrate (5-1-1) for $3 each.
  10. JDFan

    Adice needed - different levels of heat from same plant

    Each pepper is unique just like each child a person has (including twins that develop at the same exact time in the same exact conditions)  - even though the kids all have the same parents and have grown up in the same conditions they each have their own traits.   Even if the peppers are growing...
  11. JDFan

    My damn ant-ridden non-fruiting Trinidad Moruga Scorpion

    Have you had any other bug issues ? As noted the ants themselves are not really a problem and can help in pollination - but since you mention just noticing the ants - perhaps they are there because they are farming aphids and you haven't noticed the aphids yet !   Aphids feed on the plant leaves...
  12. JDFan

    seeds Moldy seeds

    Depends on if the mold got through the outer seed coat or is just on the outside - never hurts to try germinating ( I'd first soak for a bit in some peroxide solution to kill any remaining live mold - so that the mold doesn't start to grow while germinating and effect the seedling).
  13. JDFan

    Zone 5b plants

    For pics from photobucket - just right click on the pic and select view image then copy that link into the image tag (using full editor click on the picture frame icon and post the photo link you copied into the url that comes up when you click the photo icon)- as shown below for your links.  ...
  14. JDFan

    Any chance of a reaper plant blossoming twice?

      Epsom salt is a highly soluble form of magnesium sulfate - Magnesium allows plants to better take in other nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous. It also helps in the creation of chlorophyll, which is vital for photosynthesis and greatly improves the plants ability to produce flowers and...
  15. JDFan

    Egg Identification

    Cut the leaf off and place in a lidded jar with a few holes to let airflow and you should find out what type of eggs they are in awhile when they start to hatch.
  16. JDFan

    Green Vs Red Jalapeno Peppers

        Yeah my pumpkins pretty much all died this year - have a couple vines still breathing but don't look like they are going to produce anything unless they make a comeback somehow.
  17. JDFan

    Green Vs Red Jalapeno Peppers

    Have to agree with the others - I like them better red ( can buy plenty of green ones at the local stores but can't find red ones !)  So when growing them I try to let them turn red before using (but they sometimes don't get enough time to get there before I get tired of waiting and have an urge...
  18. JDFan

    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    Never said it couldn't happen just that it was much less likely ( As mentioned I currently have 1 pod that set out of a few hundred flowers so it can happen ! )   Here is a study that shows the effect of heat on pollen germination on pepper plants under greenhouse conditions (...
  19. JDFan

    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

      Was just going by the chart at accuweather for Melbourne Fl.  