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  1. J762

    Little Beauty!

    Touch it. TOUCH IT! :rofl: That looks awesome in so many ways.
  2. J762

    Is there a Doctor in the House?!?

    Your going to have problems with the maters unless you get some cages or something to contain and support them. They'll crowd out the peppers pretty quick when they're that close to them. As far as your problem goes. I think it's your soil mix. It looks like it's to heavy and is compacting up...
  3. J762

    MiracleGrow is like a box of chocolates...

    A bird could have come down to peck around the soil, and crapped out the seed. I had Cherry tomatoes all over the yard last year from birds planting them for me. At least it wasn't a bunch of nails, a chunk of half burned pallet board, or a pencil like I've found in their "Organic" line...of...
  4. J762

    bird flowers

    That's incredible looking. I wish it wasn't so dry here so I could grow things like that. Makes me really miss the tropics seeing plants like that.
  5. J762

    My Dirt Garden

    That's a nice space you've got to work with there. Good idea putting the kids to work. They'll learn something useful this way.
  6. J762

    I Got Pepper Scammed!

    Things like this is why I will order from you guys until the day you all spontaneously combust and stop selling awesome seed.
  7. J762

    cat deterent / repellant

    I just caught my cat sleeping with her head in a pile of coffee grounds. I don't think they work at repelling them at all.
  8. J762

    Low Stress training

    I am about to order some more seeds here shortly, and will be doing these new plants in those double 5gallon bucket systems so I can move them around and overwinter them easier. I'll be doing some SLT on those once they are ready, and will update with them when we get there.
  9. J762

    Low Stress training

    Sorry it's been a bit since I've updated. Been a rough couple of weeks due to family issues, but that's over now and things are looking up. Ok, so what's going on is I went on a nice little 3 day fishing trip 2 weeks ago for my Wife's birthday, came back and to my horror found I had lost 3 beds...
  10. J762

    Bug ID

    That shot looks ok. It's the really dark shiny red one's that are bigger than normal that actually freaking bite and do eat vegetation. I was holding one to show my wife how big it was and it bit the crap out of my arm. Maybe her Aunt flo was in town that day, but it surprised me.
  11. J762

    Bug ID

    That "Lady Bug" you have looks a lot more like the invasive Asian types than the Natives. play with one and see if it bites you. The Asians bite. If it is an Asian one, they do eat aphids and other bugs, but they also eat foliage. I've found some on my property out here in Az this year, and...
  12. J762

    Recommended herbs to grow?

    Yarrow. I grow it simply to crush and mix in with my Fert Tea's and into my compost. Also Borrage. Both are also medicinal and Borrage leaves are tasty in salad.
  13. J762

    pests What kind of bug is this?

    Spiders stay on the plants unless... Well, unless yer a sissy and don't like spiders. They're a beneficial as far as I'm concerned. The larger Orb web spiders we get I actually feed all the caterpillars and Horn worms to. I grow big spiders. Big happy spiders that keep sissy's away from my...
  14. J762

    pests can anyone identify this bug?

    I don't know what they are, but I was just pointing one out to my wife tonight and telling her not to squish those ones as they've been eating all of the Aphids, ants and today the one I showed her had a small fly.
  15. J762

    cat deterent / repellant

    I tried that once. Ended up losing 3 rows worth of peas. My dogs love peas and will sit eating them till the plant is bare. Goofy fuzzballs.
  16. J762

    soil soil sterilization idea?

    Unless I know one of the plants I'm growing has a virus of some sort I don't sterilize my soil and it get's "reused" year after year. The only time I'ver ever sterilized dirt I did it with large amounts of boiling water. That way I not only killed all the bad stuff (And the good which is why I...
  17. J762

    too much florescent light?

    I have a couple different types that look exactly like yours. Same leaf issues anyway. They have been outdoors their whole lives, and the problems started after a batch of nutes was poured on them. Most of the plants exploded in growth after that feeding, but about 4-5 stunted and ended up...
  18. J762

    cat deterent / repellant

    The coffee grounds don't work for shiznit on my Cats. Neither did large amounts of Black pepper and some kind of Indian hot pepper I buy in bulk at the asian market mixed together. Nothing keeps the bastards from crapping up my garden except for me out there with a Hose. I am going to invest in...
  19. J762

    pests anyone use praying mantis to fight aphids?

    I've got a bunch of tiny little Mantis all over my plants right now. It wouldn't surprise me if there is at least one per chili plant. Simply everywhere in my garden right now. I've never seen one eat aphids though. For Aphids I just spray Neem and the problem is solved.
  20. J762

    Bubbly leaves

    Those are fine, I'd just leave them alone and continue your normal routing with them. Hopefully you get trees out of them like I did a few years back. I don't know what I did differently with them, but they grew almost 5 feet tall and super bushy and didn't start flowering for a really long...