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My Dirt Garden

So here's my other garden. I have 2 rows of corn in so far. 2 rows of tomatoes. And I'm beginning to put in my peppers.



I got 10,000 sq. ft. to get ready this week now that the ground is finally dry enough to get a cultivator to work on it.

Need to put melons, squash, beans a few other things in the ground also.
Good luck to you HS. Thats an awesome spread you'll be working....and ought to bring you a bountiful harvest by fall. As I look at that plot of land,my back is tightening up and I'm already breaking out in a sweat.lol
Enjoy the season !
Wow! I would love to have that much space!!!

Hope you have more than a shovel and a hoe to get that much area ready for planting :lol:
Well it's been plowed and disked already. But it's been so rainy I haven't been able to get in there until today. I have a little cultivator and so I'm doing a few rows at a time. I tilled 6 today and planted 1.
That's a nice hunk of land to play with and will certainly keep you out of trouble this season.
Mine will only be around 4.6k ft^2, less than half of yours and I'll be running my ass off keeping it up. I hope you have somebody to help out…you're going to need it!

Good luck!!
I got 5 kids who want to watch too much tv and play too much video games. I think I'll be able to keep them busy in the mornings at least. :)
That's a nice space you've got to work with there. Good idea putting the kids to work. They'll learn something useful this way.
These guys may not be pretty or bushy but by darn, they are troopers. Despite the fact my tiller is busted and they're overgrown with hay and despite the fact the only water they received in any decent amounts in the last 2 months was last Saturday and the Sunday before that, I think they're doing pretty good.
I guess the idea of keeping the kids busy did not work out.

They could have done some weeding.

Well I've had a hard couple of months. We had to move out of the house because of mold for 2.5 months and everyday life has been up in the air. That and my tiller breaking down etc. etc. etc., hopefully now that we are back in the house I'll be able to get them out there a little.
Well after 6+ weeks of drought, my cultivator breaking down along with my weed eater and my water pump breaking this is what is alive today.