So its been awhile since I've been around (Life got the best of me the past 2 years) But i'm back and ready to jump into 2018 strong! I used to use a 4 ft T5 lamp to start my plants indoors, and it worked fine but I want to upgrade to something better. I've been doing my research on LED...
Took a break since the 2015 season preping for this upcoming season and looking forward to it! Planning on starting a grow log as soon as I figure out all the details!
My first ferment, was hoping to let it go another month. It seems that the top has started to turn brown/off yellow. I have not opened it and it has sat in the pantry for a month already. No mold or yeast growth. Is this something that happens or should i toss it? It was extremly active about a...
A few years ago I saw a heavy set guy shuffling down the sidewalk with a small women's t shirt on and his pants and underwear around his ankles..
Saw a guy in pink spandex dancing in a busy intercection.
Many more things that I cannot remember! Good ol New York!
I currently have 3 reaper plants all of which have pods like the one in the picture, they also have perfect pheno pods on each plant as well. I'd say wait for a few more pods to see if it's just a off pheno reaper.
Not 100% but it looks an awful lot like stinkbug damage to me ( the second picture especially), had a huge infestation of them and they just about destroyed my whole crop of peppers last year.
Welcome from New York! That's a nice list of varieties you have growing this year! If I can grow them in central NY you'll do fine in NE Ohio. Good luck this grow season!