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  1. impending_bending

    don't miss your chance!

    As per your request, I will only say this: thank you. Thank you sincerely for the reminder, we all need to be reminded of this from time to time, and when that reminder comes from something besides personal experience it is a true gift. So I say again, thank you. 
  2. impending_bending

    heat Extracts: Advanced Home Techniques

    No in linen on phone. Going to have to be short and sweet here.    Thank you for the kind words.  No it was not from any book, it is from publications spanning 100 years. Although, I don't think you may have sent me that book.    Basically, soxhlet is undesirable for exactly where reason safer...
  3. impending_bending

    heat Extracts: Advanced Home Techniques

    This is a major point in the answers to a lot of your questions qq, answers to follow Answers in line, or will be momentarily if not yet
  4. impending_bending

    heat Extracts: Advanced Home Techniques

    ha wow. queequeg - some good questions in there, thank you. I'll be happy to answer them - a bit later though since it will take some time. And no, it didn't come from any book. The process is modified from ones presented in several publications to be more suitable to perform at home without...
  5. impending_bending

    labels Please critique our new label

    I like this, a lot, but if being picky...   As THP mentioned, the clouds are a bit strange.   The expression on the parrots face could maybe look a bit more - something - angry, bitten, surprised, etc.   I also like to see ingredients. I'm sure many (I know THP will lol) will agree that if it...
  6. impending_bending

    capsaicin Capsaicin extraction from pepper?   not completed yet. soon...
  7. impending_bending


    There is much more to it than magnification. The magnification part is easy. You should mainly look at the working distance and depth of field ha at these prices its going to be a CMOS chip w/o objectives, so if thats the case neglect what I said previously :)...
  8. impending_bending


    You should find out how much of that magnification is optical vs digital. At that price, youre not risking a lot, but if you wan't something serious make sure to do your homework. Try to find the object specifications if you can
  9. impending_bending

    soil Soil Ph

    I mean no disrespect and I hate to disagree as it so often leads to pointless arguments - I have no interest in arguing and I will not take part. That said, I believe your statements are inaccurate PMD. The pH drop indicator solution kits, if that is to what you are referring, can be quite...
  10. impending_bending

    THPA Super Bowl Giveaway! 7 Products! 5 Winners!

    +1 to the thank you to the sponsors - looking forward to trying some great products and I'll do my best to get some awesome super bowl snacks made with them and photo'd
  11. impending_bending

    misc ladybug carnage!!! aphids gone, white flies remain (f them too)

    Hell yeah. Mostly wanted to post this because so many people doubt them
  12. impending_bending

    In over my head

    "gorilla gardening" lol I like it. Don't think there are many gardens, nevermind community gardens, in Tucson but I'll check.
  13. impending_bending

    for-sale Pepper Powders for Sale - CLOSED

    That's what I like to hear :) I'd like an 8-ball of the fatalii if you've still got it. A bag! I mean bag!
  14. impending_bending

    Distressed Piri Piri

    Tap water is the best way to go. Could be nitrogen deficiency, yes.
  15. impending_bending

    Distressed Piri Piri

    Filtered is a bad idea. Not only are you removing certain minerals but you're also adding A LOT of bacteria by running it though a filter.
  16. impending_bending

    Distressed Piri Piri

    Another question - how often do you water?
  17. impending_bending

    Distressed Piri Piri

    You'll be fine feeding it now, especially at quarter strength. A tsp of 3% h2o2 in a quart won't be very harmful and won't interfere with the ferts
  18. impending_bending

    Distressed Piri Piri

    Well it looks like you need calcium for one. If you've fertilized that infrequently it couldn't hurt to feed it again. That's probably not the problem but it certainly couldn't hurt.
  19. impending_bending

    soil Soil Ph

    +1 to pH down for a quick fix. Or vinegar. Or various sulfates. Or muriatic acid. Many many solutions.