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  1. shigshwa

    Composting - Is this a good system for Peppers?

    Looks amazing! Compost works well for any kind of crop. I suppose, you could compost egg shells or bone meal for some extra calcium, but it should be fine.
  2. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Weeks 12, day 84. Well. The worm tea has really helped the height growth. Just look at them!
  3. shigshwa

    seeds germinating in gel... wuuuut..!!??

    What else is soil also made of?
  4. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Pod added a good quarter inch of length. Man, worm tea works miracles! Branches shot up an extra inch the day after applying it! I'll update on a normal schedule from now on. Every Sunday.
  5. shigshwa

    seeds germinating in gel... wuuuut..!!??

    I don't know... the gel's nutrients are typically obtained via digestion, right? Unless you were gonna use the gel just for germination.
  6. shigshwa

    seeds Is this color abnormal on seedlings?

    6-6.5 sounds more like it. I don't think coffee grounds are the best thing to mix in with the soil. Wouldn't the soil start to heat up and compost?
  7. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Le quarter returns, this time, to measure the size of my Bhut Jolokia pod number 1.
  8. shigshwa

    A Ridiculously Improvised DWC Hydro Setup. (Now a grow log!)

    Interesting. I wish I had an RO system so that I don't have to use pH down as much..
  9. shigshwa

    A Ridiculously Improvised DWC Hydro Setup. (Now a grow log!)

    Nope, a liquid pH test. I use pH up and down to change it. One gallon only requires 3-4 drops to get it in the right spot. The pH is 6 If I remember correctly. I would get a meter, but since I'm not really that large scale into hydro (yet), I don't see the need for it now. Scootin.
  10. shigshwa

    Is this normal?

    What's wrong? The leaves?
  11. shigshwa

    A Ridiculously Improvised DWC Hydro Setup. (Now a grow log!)

    It's been... 2 weeks? Anyways. Pruned some of the bottom leaves, those were very distorted. Otherwise, the plant is doing fine. 3 weeks of growth.
  12. shigshwa

    When is a Bhut Jolokia Ripe?

    Peppers will also remove easily from the plant when ripe.
  13. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Week 11, day 77. A week after the transplant. The leaves show damage from edema, but it's still doing fine. My Bhut and TS are both flowering, and the Bhut has a pod already! Middle TS is still in veg. Hydro seedling is doing great. Added a basil clone in there, I hear it repels mosquitos and...
  14. shigshwa

    Single leaf with red patches?

    ' I should, shouldn't I? You can find the update in my glog:
  15. shigshwa

    Question about excessive rain and survival

    If your soil drains well, I'm sure some time under the sun or somewhere warm will dry the soil a bit.
  16. shigshwa

    health Something seems wrong with my peppers need help please

    From my experience, the plants develop this if they are root bound. I think it's time to transplant. Bad case of edema Probably the reason why
  17. shigshwa

    What is this leaf curl from?

    Doesn't bone meal take a while to be converted into usable calcium for the plants though? Doesn't look like a Ca deficiency to me.
  18. shigshwa

    fertilizer Fertilizer, pots, and transplanting

    As far as nutrients go, fertillizing too much or too often causes nutrient toxicity. You don't want to throw a super concentrated soluton into the soil, nor do you want to give it to em too often. Either way, the salts build up in the soil, which harms the plants. What is your fertillizing...
  19. shigshwa

    seeds Germination question

    I usually stick to germinating anything with nothing more than a pot and soil. For peppers, keep them under the heat source and try to keep the enviornment humid, not too hot nor wet though. If you don't have a dome of some sort, just put plastic wrap on top, that works well too. Seeds don't...
  20. shigshwa

    Tips for top notch peppers

    I think keeping it simple is the key to getting good peppers. Or at least, keeping it as simple as possible. :lol: