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  1. slashroot

    Slashroot's 2012 Pepper Season - Superhots under LED

    Maybe my glog is scaring you guys away, too big pictures? I'd sure make them smaller if that's better :) Update from todays growth: Too crowded growth! Filius Blue ornamental flowering. Some C. Chinense flowering(Too crowded to see the label) C.Chinense buds. Tiny but pretty Prairie...
  2. slashroot

    Dot Com's 2012 Grow Log

    I'm impressed, some really nice plants! :)
  3. slashroot

    greenhouse Cheap greenhouse

    Pretty interesting that I got one exact same as those small grow tents here in Norway. I had quite some trouble with keeping the temperature right, keeping the zipper closed would steam the plants. Was a lot of manual work, having to keep an eye on them every day at least. Love my full scale...
  4. slashroot

    overwintering Two sick overwintered plants, give them up?

    Thought I would follow up with the progress on these two plants. After all the great help it seems they are going in the right direction :) No sign of diseases or edema "yet". Hopefully kept that way hehe Thai Dragon: Tabasco:
  5. slashroot

    What story is this leaf telling?

    Some of the leaves could be affected by what you said but one type of spots appear even on new growth that has a lot of room and air. Think I'm trying too hard to get perfect looking plants, have to calm down a bit!
  6. slashroot

    pests Shiny brown leaves - disease, sunburn, pests?

    Wish I could help you out but I have no idea. Really weird thing going on there. Good it's not affecting new growth :) Hopefully somebody can give you a useful answer.
  7. slashroot

    nitwit 2011 growlog thingie

    Only peppers available fresh here in stores are red habanero and some cayenne hybrid, very mild. Rain sure brings nasty creatures to life like slugs. You go under three different names, smokemaster or zanderspice are other accounts you have?
  8. slashroot

    hydroponic Leaf Curl? - Hydroponics

    I'm using general hydroponics with lucas formula and I've seen similar leaves to yours but that's only when the plants has uptake most of the nutrients. I've run between 500 to 1200 PPM at 0.7(Standard US) conversion, or 900 to 2000 EC. Depending on plant size of course and it's stage in life...
  9. slashroot

    nitwit 2011 growlog thingie

    Can't wait to taste the rocotos for first time. Mine is still refusing to pod so yours is doing much better hehe You're sure more experienced at growing peppers than me :) Have you tasted both Red rocotos and yellow, are they the same in texture/taste? Sure would love to see more plant pics...
  10. slashroot

    Grubs growing inside of pods - how to prevent them

    Interesting, I've seen some of those bugs in my greenhouse soil too. Was wondering what to do with them, now I sure will get rid of them!
  11. slashroot

    What story is this leaf telling?

    This was one of the few leaves at the bottom that have dropped during a couple of weeks. Plant would get rid of them itself, no cutting involved. Those bacterial leave spots I have everywhere, they don't get brown in any way. The leaf spot stays green and dries out, becomes like a thin tissue...
  12. slashroot

    What story is this leaf telling?

    Thanks guys, so they probably need quite a while longer to recover from over watering. It had gotten to the stage were I saw tiny signs of edema under the leaves but that was the only signs they showed at that time. Some of it could also be bacterial/ fungal, like mentioned above. It seems like...
  13. slashroot

    What story is this leaf telling?

    This was one of the worst leaves on the Manzano/Rocoto plant I have in hydroponics food and drain system. This leaf were on the bottom part of the plant, receiving very little light. Outer edges getting yellow/browning is normally sigh of over fertilizing? Don't see that as a valid reason...
  14. slashroot

    breeding A couple of C.chinense hybrids

    Really interesting thread, great pictures, good details! Keep posting :)
  15. slashroot

    Bottom vs Top Feeding

    So the conclusion must be that there are many successful methods, all depending on grow medium used? People here are doing so many different things it seems. Does this mean I use bad soil, when dry it shrinks leaving gaps between soil and pot. So when watering it just goes down the sides and to...
  16. slashroot

    Bottom vs Top Feeding

    Interesting question, I've considered bottom watering myself. Only been watering from the top this far. I've noticed sometimes I'm killing the roots at the bottom part of the pot when I am watering it too little from the top. Leaving only the top area moist and bottom bone dry. Could be bad...
  17. slashroot

    Growing peppers in Finland

    Very nice glog you got going, pretty plants! :) Do you have long experience with SUBSTRAL? The first language on the box is Norwegian, it's a very common product here but never used it before.
  18. slashroot

    overwintering Two sick overwintered plants, give them up?

    I've cut them back and given them potassium rich nutrients. Soil is a bit wet now, just gave them the nutrients diluted in water. Thanks for your help :) I might keep this thread updated on the progress over time. Here is what they look like now: Tabasco Thai Dragon
  19. slashroot

    overwintering Two sick overwintered plants, give them up?

    Thanks for the suggestion :) The soil mix was suppose to contain potassium and all the other nutrients. So I guess it must have been crap. Anyways do you think I should cut it back and start from beginning or try to adjust nutrients to get it back?
  20. slashroot

    overwintering Two sick overwintered plants, give them up?

    I'm no expert either, if nobody else has any suggestions I will try what you said. Sounds like a possible way to get them back to life :) It's not a big deal if they die, already consider them kinda dead haha First picture is Tabasco, second Thai Dragon.