overwintering Two sick overwintered plants, give them up?

So here's the story to both of them. Help appreciated!

When bringing this plant back to warmth and light it produced pale green leaves. In a month it had barely done anything when it comes to growth.

Then I decided to pot it up and add a bit of nutrients, which clearly gave it a bit of nutrient burn as you can see. Let it there for about a month and still would not grow any more.

After that time and noticing nutrient burn, I flushed the roots in water, got all soil off and planted it in new low nutrient soil. Then it sat there for about a month, all it did was curl the upper leaves and still not more growth.


This plant has also been in warm and bright spot for over 3 months and it's doing nothing. It's been potted up, and soil has been changed too. Only changed soil once, too often sure would stress the plant more out.

No idea why it has major edema, only give it like 40ml of water every two weeks and it never wilts. The soil stays very dry all the time almost, still edema going on, even on new growth with takes months.
I mean, I'm not the one to ask, but I am interested to hear what someone says about that. The diseased leaves cant be doing much to help. Let the energy go to the new production.

I'm no expert either, if nobody else has any suggestions I will try what you said. Sounds like a possible way to get them back to life :) It's not a big deal if they die, already consider them kinda dead haha

First picture is Tabasco, second Thai Dragon.
Thats your "K" homie... You have a Potash Defiency.

Thanks for the suggestion :) The soil mix was suppose to contain potassium and all the other nutrients. So I guess it must have been crap.

Anyways do you think I should cut it back and start from beginning or try to adjust nutrients to get it back?
I would cut it back, and maybe find a 0-0-10 fert or something along those lines

I've cut them back and given them potassium rich nutrients. Soil is a bit wet now, just gave them the nutrients diluted in water.

Thanks for your help :)

I might keep this thread updated on the progress over time.

Here is what they look like now:


Thai Dragon
Thought I would follow up with the progress on these two plants. After all the great help it seems they are going in the right direction :)

No sign of diseases or edema "yet". Hopefully kept that way hehe

Thai Dragon:



The plants are getting along well, I've left them outside in the greenhouse during day time. Here is what they look like today.



Thai Dragon:

The leaves are perfectly healthy now, no edema or any other things going on.

Might be too late to get them to produce anything this year, a pod or two and it's worth it for me hehe
This is what they look like today. 21 days since last picture post.

The trees around here are producing some kind of pollen dust or something, covering everything outside. That's what the white dust on my plants are.

Very happy with the recovery of the plants :) Sure looks like they might get time to produce something this year!



Thai Dragon:


I ma believer of pruning, when necessary. My theory is that the energy that the plant uses to feed and keep they leaves alive can be used for new production.

Think of it this way, there are as many roots as there are leaves, by removing sick leaves, you will now have more roots per leaf. WIN!

I could be horribly mistaken but that's what goes through my mind. Hey, it seemed to work for you.
Nice! They look happy and green!

Cheers :)

I ma believer of pruning, when necessary. My theory is that the energy that the plant uses to feed and keep they leaves alive can be used for new production.

Think of it this way, there are as many roots as there are leaves, by removing sick leaves, you will now have more roots per leaf. WIN!

I could be horribly mistaken but that's what goes through my mind. Hey, it seemed to work for you.

Sure sounds like a theory. My plants was definitively using up all its energy on sick leaves.