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  1. woody3says

    pruning-topping plant size, flowering and pruning

    Your problem is more than likely due to low humidity and high temps. I had a long summer of 105F+ and zero humidity and my Bhuts didn't put out at all till temps fell a bit and humidity rose. If you are growing and budding I'd wait on pruning. Do that when the season comes to an end.
  2. woody3says

    lighting Question about my grow lights

    Maxsack, I keep my babies under those lights till plant out. That's why so much! Fathual, the 18/6 means 18hrs on, 6 hrs off; and 24/7 is light around the clock. If its in the 70s outside put them out (not full sun too soon) and don't worry about big time lights right now.
  3. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    I win, I win! I'm the first to spot Sicman in the last pic =)
  4. woody3says

    mini lotus

    Nice but too expensive. I bought 6pack of 23w 1600 lumen CFLs for $9.xx at Lowes. You need 6 sockets but.....
  5. woody3says

    seeds-germination Anyone use Burpee seed starting kits?

    I used the pellets last year. Nice and fluffy material. Just be careful; when it starts to dry, it will dry out FAST! When a few cells show need go ahead and bottom water it. I would water them hard then pour off the excess. It won't waterlog like say Hoffmans can when saturated. My $.02......
  6. woody3says

    greenhouse green house

    Arghhhhh, jealous bug here too! Nice, very nice Sic
  7. woody3says

    lighting Question about my grow lights

    How many of them do you have (only 1093 lumens)? How many babies do you have? I have eight 1600 lumen CFLs about 3in above one 72 cell tray.
  8. woody3says

    Miracle Grow

    If you have a nursery nearby swing by and see if they have their own potting mix. MG stuff will work, but if at all possible I try not to feed the Monsanto monster......
  9. woody3says

    hot peppers for stuffing?

    Big Jims, excellent size and can get some nice medium burn to them. Mix your stuffing with tepin/pequins for a zippy mix.
  10. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    I bought a backpack on the way up on advice I read here. That's the only way to go to a show like this! My first thought was "nah, no way I'll need that". It was full by the time I left and I was only done because I was outta cash =)
  11. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    I like your view on the Sic shirts better. Mr & Mrs Sic definately seemed down to earth in the short time I was around. My vintage thought was a comparison to the shirts that ARE new but made to look old school. The not white not yellow color was a faded vintage look to me then. I can see the...
  12. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    No no no, you got me wrong here. It has a vintage look to it and thats fine by me! Shoot Id have asked for one too if I knew you had them. I thinks its cool looking :cool: How long have you been away?
  13. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    Ya, I thought it was a faded old thing!
  14. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    Ok, truce :halo: I hope her brand soon becomes big here too, she has great stuff! Not gonna touch the extract of evilness though........ :mouthonfire: :mouthonfire: :mouthonfire: :mouthonfire: :rofl: Man this sucks, wish I was out there again today. I wonder if we could get DefCon to set up...
  15. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    Not cool at all..... What gives you the right to blast the man for speaking his opinion? This thread is for pics and stories right? That's his story for the show. He didn't blast Salsalady, just said the "brand" didn't stick out to him. I may not agree either, but its his opinion and it need not...
  16. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    Shame I didn't meet you there Dr P =( welcome to the club!
  17. woody3says

    Recomended pot size for these peppers?

    Ya, I have a hole at the very bottom on the sides just above each of my "Xs"
  18. woody3says

    Recomended pot size for these peppers?

    Go by some local restaurants and you should be able to score some 5gal for free. I'll try and find the pic I have of mine with the holes I drilled....... got it, think the holes were 3/8in. Great drainage even through a very wet spring. I'll leave it up to the experts on if the white...
  19. woody3says

    event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories

    One observation of the vendors. Everyone brought a "Ghost chili hottest pepper in the world" sauce and touted it as the IT sauce. All of them either had WAY too much vinegar in it or used extract. Both are huge no-nos to me. The only Ghost sauce that had TASTE of the ghost was SALSALADY's. [no...
  20. woody3says

    Recomended pot size for these peppers?

    The Scorp, Hab, and Bhut will all be large plants so I would get some size pots for them. Nursery #5, or 5-7gal, the bigger the pot the bigger the plant CAN grow. It's all up to how well you can take care of their needs. I haven't grown the Aji.... Just my $.02