SHeesh! OK, BOYS! Back in line~~~
Dr P, thanks for introducing yourself at the Festival. I'm always glad to meet forum members who I know I'll be seeing online. It's great to put a face-to-the-name. I can take your comments about the name. It's a long story so I won't bore everyone.
Basically, I do a WIDE range of products, some hot, some not and not everything is chile-related. We had to come up with a name that would cover everything from Pure Evil capsaicin drops to fresh salsa to plain old salad dressings. It is what it is, and I never want someone to buy my products because of a punny name like "Sofa King" or other names that my child can't say because of the connotations or blatant vulgarity. Anyway, hopefully my sauces are memorable enough that people will buy them in spite of the un-inspiring name.
Dr. P~ don't let this first snipping discourage you from the forum. It's a great place and there is loads of information. No Harm done~
PeppaKid- sorry I didn't meet you. Hope you enjoy the sauce.
LunchBox great to meet you, and Woody3 also. Ringside????
Cory_Huck was a quick show, dude was running the gauntlet on crutches! OUCH! Hope you get to feeling better soon.
At the festival today, I was prepared for busy, but NOT prepared for the non-stop customers ALLL day! I didn't even have time to eat lunch, and finally at about 4:00 had to just ignore the customers and eat a salad cuz I was getting light headed from no food all day.
I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to hang out and visit with people as I'd been hoping to. But it's better to be busy at an event like this than looking for customers. Or trying to harass/carnivalbarker them into your booth like my booth-neighbors are doing! (they are not food/sauce vendors, so I don't feel bad about saying that!)
We've sold about 3/4 of the Pure Evil that we brought down, and had about a dozen people attempt Pure Evil Drops straight up. Only had a few that were reduced to tears, the rest managed to just get by with facial distortions and vocal lamentations.
Friday Night, at the awards banquet, I was fortunate enough to share a table with The Creator, The Creatoress, the Intensity Academy gang, AlabamaJack, Jim from Duke&Baron's (upstart company, won 2 Golden Chiles and a 3rd place first time out. WOOT!) and a couple others.
Before the awards, Defcon John and I were talking a little smack and he pulls out the Sludge and says something about going tit-for-tat. To which I pulled a bottle of Pure Evil out of my purse.....GAME ON! A Swizzle-straw of Sludge-vs-Pure Evil. I grabbed a spoon and gave him 2 drops of Pure Evil, while I got the straw of doom. (Personally.... I think the Creator got the light end of the deal based on least that's my story and I'm sticking too it!

Anyway, I didn't throw up or totally embarass myself, but let's just say I'm sure I didn't look the greatest with tears running down my face.
This evening, Evan and I had a great time with the Sic's. We went to an Asian/Indian grill for dinner. We all had very enjoyable dinners, but came away feeling like it was all mild heat. Even the Spicy Noodles were just meh~ Tasted good...just meh~~~~
Thanks for the well wishes from everyone. One More Day, it'll be a crazy one!
So to end this thread, I'd like to post one more picture.
did i mention..."IT"S NOT AN EXTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"