you can buy beneficial bacteria from : or look into Korean Natural Farming I M O (Indigenous Micro Organisms)
$200 per large sheet from a Greenhouse Supply Place ;) 3 sheets will build your a nice size greenhouse but he want's something he can take down and put away.
Supreme Growers
21 minutes ago
Happy Freebie Friday Weekend!
Post a product review of your favorite Supreme Growers product on our wall. The top 5 reviews get a special Supreme Growers care package! You have until Sunday night to post your product review, we will announce the winners on Monday.
Supreme Growers
2 hours ago
What's up everybody!? It's been a while since our last Freebie Friday giveaway so I was thinking tomorrow may be the perfect day to bring it back but I'll leave it up to all of you to decide. Who wants to try these microbial packed, soil beneficial sticks?
The grass is tall thick it has a nice color (this is the cheap value seed from walmart no fertilizer not overseeded) :confused:
Tell your local garden center about supreme growers hopefully they will order it and you can get free samples :confused:
You can grow 365 days under CFL but I would put it in a window as well.....many people start plants under CFL but I moved to MH and I may move to a higher wattage the results are worth it.
Wind Damage "Greenhouse Fail"
A Growing Vision - Short documentary about our growing spaces
"The failure rate for greenhouses is high and mirrors the 80 percent fail- ure rate (firms that fail to stay in business five years) of most start-up businesses."...
Wind Damage^ (Think tree branches)
Snow Damage^
Jake Buckley ‏@Jakebuckley001 19 Apr
Mums greenhouse got parred by the wind the other night
Greenhouse Vegetable Production Background
Pests and Diseases of Greenhouse sweet peppers in Mauritius
Alternative Heating Opportunities For Heating Greenhouses...
I tested cheap grass seed (No ferts No Over seeding) under OLD T5 lights in a cheap greenhouse pot (Dollar Store) with myco and soil in under a week some of the grass is too big for the dome.
I tested Myco+Soil on raspberries (They were here when I moved in) the ones with myco and soil have more...
My greenhouse watering system
10 Tips from a Farm you can Use in Your Vegetable Garden
Beneficial Bacteria (Compost Tea) or use Supreme Growers ;) for peppers you want potash (Supreme Growers Bud Charger)
RE: 6 mil construction grade clear plastic
clip this post...
25m DIY Micro Irrigation Drip System Plant garden Vegetable Watering Hose Kit
US $26.69
Ventmate QH200 Automatic Greenhouse Window Opener
US $21.00 comes up to about $31...