seed-plant-vendors Supreme Growers

Check out today's "Freebie Friday" Refer a friend and get %40 off your next/first purchase.Got my freebies on Wednesday too,only one of each tho,but hey it was free! Already referred a friend and got my own personal coupon code messaged back to me in like 5 min.!! Worth 2 minutes of your time to get something free!
I received 8 packs but I shared them with friends and gave away some of the pepper Joe seeds I don't plan on using (not hot enough) it's been about 3 months since I started using myco and soil my plants look better the color is nicer the roots are great :) Using kelp, soil and myco I was able to save a couple of plant's that were not doing well. The more I learn about these products the more like them.


Just a reminder chlorination kills bacteria use rain water, distilled water or filtered water.

Supreme Growers We just recently had our product launch last weekend so we are currently transitioning to getting our products in your local grow stores. Freebie Friday's still exists but we are working on other promotions at the moment that rewards you for helping us get into your favorite local gardening supply store. Paying shipping on our website is a pain and we understand that so it would be beneficial for everyone if we could visit you locally. I will definitely have a fun and simple promotion for you by next Friday to get some products in your hands! Thanks for your interest. We really do have the best fans!
March 22 at 11:15am
I did it, my free thing and extra freebie was nothing. All i got was 1 pack of each and that was it. I only signed up to see what the extra freebies were.
Most people got one of each still it's cheap enough at $3 a stick...even with shipping it's hard to complain about the price. You can make a "compost tea" with this or use it in your drip irrigation system.


"Fill your bucket with some water. You are going to add in your root inoculant to spread the roots from the old pot into your new soil."


Jennifer Frazer ‏@JenniferFrazer 29 Mar
Mycorrhizae and tree roots hold much more of boreal forests' carbon than previously realized -- over half. http://www.scientifi...rising … #sciam

Jon Fisher ‏@sciencejon 31 Mar
Mycorrhizae hold 50-70% of soil carbon into northern forest soils via @sharethis

Three New Scientific Studies Tout the Benefits of Mycorrhizae™
I started testing the new products today I will keep you all updated: If you guys want more free samples write some reviews ;) promote supreme growers.

Supreme Growers is looking for help to get into your favorite local gardening supply store,Hydroponics stores,Garden Center or Greenhouse.
I tested cheap grass seed (No ferts No Over seeding) under OLD T5 lights in a cheap greenhouse pot (Dollar Store) with myco and soil in under a week some of the grass is too big for the dome.
I tested Myco+Soil on raspberries (They were here when I moved in) the ones with myco and soil have more leaves better color the outside temperatures are still fluctuating.
I tested bud charger on a couple of pepper plants in 2 days I have Nice Flowers almost fully open.

TylerInNiagara said:
I started testing the new products today I will keep you all updated: If you guys want more free samples write some reviews ;) promote supreme growers.

Supreme Growers is looking for help to get into your favorite local gardening supply store,Hydroponics stores,Garden Center or Greenhouse.
Bud charger is awesome lots of great big flowers easy to hand pollinate I love supreme Growers. Thanks Scott :) 
TylerInNiagara said:
"As a professional nurseryman and a steward of 18 acres in SW Florida, which I run a bamboo nursery from, I have been exposed to many variations of farming and growing. From completely natural to completely toxic, the differences in growing styles and philosophies are astonishing.
Because of my concern for my children, pets and groundwater I began to favor, experiment and eventually develop powerful natural and organic solutions for my nursery and homestead."

Key Benefits of Gardening with Mycorrhizae:
1)Drought Resistance:

Mycorrhizae symbioticly bonds to the roots, then grows on and expands the roots overall surface area, thus increasing the root systems ability to hold more water and nutrients.

2) Protects From Disease:

Mycorrhizae covers the entire root surface with a protective symbiotic beneficial fungus thus shielding the root from attack from pathogens, by out competing pathogens.

3) Produces its own Plant Food:

Mycorrhizae feeds off a waste (carb) starch given off by plant roots, then eats this starch and excretes a super available high phosphorous plant food in return.
Changing Dirt into Soil: Understanding Plant Nutrition and the Bio-geo-chemical Processes of Soil
"Accumulating humus is the pedogenesis (soil creation) of soil, turning dirt into a healthy and productive soil (see fig. 4). Humus is a generic term used by most of us that describes the more complex biologic molecules of soil that are for the time being called humic acids, but deserve to be properly named. The humic acid chemicals do not not come from humification of dead organic matter, rather it's a result of an efficient mutualism between plants and the 'terrestrial biosphere' of soil microorganism, and most specifically the Mycorrhizal fungi. The mycorrhizal plant fungi relationship is critical to the process of pedogenesis, because it's the massive contribution this fungus makes to its host plant in the form of water and minerals that allows the plant to be healthier and to live longer. Science has demonstrated that when a plant is mycorrhizal, the uptake of minerals from the soil is dramatically better and the drought tolerance of the plant is also significantly better."