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  1. JGBaxter59

    If You Have Ghosts You Have Everything - 2023

    I had a few peppers in mind to definitely grow this year, one being a new selection from WHP (Peach Miasma), the BJSG, and one being this year's Mystery Pepper. I then perused my Box-O-Seeds to get the rest of 2023's bill of fare: 7 Pot Burgundy (WHP) Bhut Jolokia Solid Gold (THP) Peach...
  2. JGBaxter59

    If You Have Ghosts You Have Everything - 2023

    Ghost, Propst Arena, Huntsville, AL, Sept. 2, 2022. Papa Emeritus IV and the Ghouls performing Year Zero. My 5th "ritual" as their performances are called. My daughter was right up front at the railing and took this photo... I was up a ways in a nice actual seat. Well, another season is...
  3. JGBaxter59

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    This one hit hard today. Thank you for all the wonderful music. RIP, Christine.
  4. JGBaxter59

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Going to see Ghost tomorrow night in Huntsville, AL !
  5. JGBaxter59

    2022 - too early to get started...

    Good looking plants, Marc! :party:
  6. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I tasted the Pockmark Peach tonight. It's a lot like the MA Purple, but a tad hotter. It hits like a tank, and burns the back of the throat but good. The burn only lasts a couple of minutes, though, and begins to calm down. It and the MA Purple remind me of a Ghost pepper (which is one of the...
  7. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I left the Pockmark Peach pods that I thought were ready to pick on the branch a few extra days... I felt them today and they feel ripe... thus begins the harvest on another plant. These have a really nice color, I think. I haven't tasted them yet, though.
  8. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    The Death Spirals are starting to ripen. This is one of the coolest looking peppers I have ever grown. It just looks badass. I ate most of one last night and it is mean, just like my Chocolate Bhutlah pods. This pepper has a much cleaner taste, though, where the CB is really bitter. This thing...
  9. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I started harvesting some of the Sunset Peach Scotch Bonnets today. The stems are telling me they're ready. These are hard to tell when ripe... I expected more peach coloration. I took the biggest and best looking pod (not pictured but similar to the top center pod in this photo), cut it in half...
  10. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    Here's a section of my Pockmark Peach plant and a few pods close-up. This thing has grown to be the tallest plant this year, easily 4 feet, taller than any of my Jalapenos. And it's growing in coco in a two gallon fabric bag. I think the two on the right in my hand are ripe/almost ripe. It's...
  11. JGBaxter59

    Hello from middle TN.

    ✌️ born and raised in Memphis.
  12. JGBaxter59

    movies Stay off the moors

    Such a classic...
  13. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I had some more damage to my Sunset Peach SB due to another storm... I'm down to one good branch. I think some of them are finally starting to move toward ripening... keeping my fingers crossed. My caramel SB cutting is starting to pod. One of the pods on my Death Spiral is now starting to...
  14. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I really can't compare... the caramel scotch bonnet last year was the first one I ever grew. I usually grow a habanero every year. After tasting that one and the HSH this year, I see why everyone loves scotch bonnets. It's a much cleaner taste than the habaneros... maybe a drop less hotter, too...
  15. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I picked a couple of my Chocolate Bhutlah CS's that were ripe today. I'm a little disappointed in the size of them (I'll post pics later when I can pick some bigger ones). They are about the size of my thumb from the tip to the joint below the fingernail. What they lack in size, however, they...
  16. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I lost an entire branch off my Sunset Peach SB... I think my cats did it. They roam around between the plants sometimes (especially when I'm watering and tending to them). It had about 16 peppers on it. I hung the branch upside down... hopefully some will ripen. I tasted an unripe one and it...
  17. JGBaxter59

    review Now those are what you call a scotch bonnet!

    The Etsy page for this says free shipping... maybe that's just for addresses here in the US.
  18. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    Picked my first ripe Big Yellow Mama today, shown here with a MA Purple. I sampled the MA Purple already... definitely a superhot. I don't think it was as hot as say, a ghost, but it hit fast and the burn didn't last too long.
  19. JGBaxter59

    chinense Faria Scotch Bonnet info/seeds?

    Could I send you a SASBE and perhaps get a few seeds?