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  1. tony05

    The red dawn...

    Here are some pictures from the front of my house. I heard it was coming so i moved all the baby plants back inside to my grow box in the garage where they were safe and sound. 90 KM/hr wind all day wouldnt be nice to few sprouts.
  2. tony05

    Passow's Hop Harvest And Wet Hop IPA

    Well yes... i guess i was a bit harsh and i do apolagise for my harshness. But i still think your being a bit precious about it all. :rolleyes: Like i said..... I recon green hoped beer is great and yours will be great too. I.... and probably others, would have been interested in the...
  3. tony05

    Passow's Hop Harvest And Wet Hop IPA

    Oh for fucks sake! Do you realy think your that good? I have won Gold medals at a nation competition level in Australia and hapily share every recipe i have. Whats the point in making something great and not helping others with similar interests to achieve similar goals? Or do you need to keep...
  4. tony05

    AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 09-14-09

    Bugger! None of the seeds he sent me have shot yet but if they do i will still grow them. Sounds like they were x polinated. I still have my Trinnihottie 7 :) Bugger.
  5. tony05

    AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 09-14-09

    Aj..... Awsome! Thats all i will say. I see your Cappy 7's look a bit Hab... ish. Are they golf balls like the origionals or am i seeing right?
  6. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    I love the start of a season. Got home today to find a Bih Jalokia sprouted. :onfire: A few of the Fatali's Neil sent me have come up. I have 3 Faria's and about 4 Big Jims now. The Douglah is going well and some of the early sprouters are getting their true leaves. Now i just want a White...
  7. tony05

    Show us your Scotch bonnets

    I have 3 up so far! So we are looking good bro! Some very fine looking Chillis there folks. Love em. cheers
  8. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Got home from work this arvo and went out to water the weeds. All my praying has payed off. A Dougelah is born The Hot Cherry i got seeds for from Trinihottie is looking very healthy This pic shows all the hot lemons and the Big jim in front..... it just came up last night The Tomatoes...
  9. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Was watering my babies this morning and i have a Nutmex Big Jim hoop :) A few varieties have shot almost every seed and some are still doing nothing. Its interesting to see how the different plants shoot at different times. The Tomatoes are getting true leaves now and looking good and healthy...
  10. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    Ooooohhhh the Glenlivet is huge. It really has a massive full complex profile that just gives and gives. I got it fairly cheap at the airport duty free shop and almost fell over when i saw the price at the bottle shop God dam the volume limit on duty free alcahol!
  11. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Hi AJ. My reasons for cutting back in early spring is mainly laziness :lol:. I have a 7 Pot that i cut back at the end of autumn and its got some good groath happening. Its still root bound and will probably get ditched but its going great guns. Im only really taking a guess at whats best. 6...
  12. tony05

    buying hot chillis in brisbane, australia

    I saw Habanero seedlings at Big W the other day on the stand they put on the way in the door. I say get seeds from a reputable seller and that way you know what your getting. Its fun too :) cheers
  13. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Here are the tomatoe plants i put in. Most have shot. I lost one to stuck sead head surgery. one seed tray....... its mainly loaded with super hots. I have 2 Farai's, one chocolate hab F1 and one of the Hot Cherrys i got from Trinihottie a year or 2 ago has sprouted as well. And the other...
  14. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    yep thats me when i go check the seed trays :onfire: Only a few pounds lighter :lol: Yes thatks for the bags. I got home and the Kids came running out going........ Dad Dad...... there are bags at the door and there full of POOOOOOOOOOOO
  15. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Checked this morning 13 tomatoes with one that had the seed stuck on the leaves...... it didnt survive surgery. And i also have another 2 chillis up..... a Hot Lemon and a Faria (tobago scotch Bonnet) from Scolvile. Very happy with the Faria. cheers
  16. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Well the glad warp is off :) 10 of the 20 tomatoe seeds are either up or hoops on their way out. And............ i have one chilli hoop. The winner is................. The Chocolate Hab F1 from Scolvile. I keep doing dances and chanting over the Dougelah seeds....... They must...
  17. tony05

    Chili season has offically started in NZ!

    Nice looking plants. Have you grown the Rocoto before? I grew one a couple years back and they get really big. Allow at least 2 or 3 feet all the way around. Mine got to about 7 feet tall as well and ive heard they can get bigger. You will need to steak up the branches as well cause the...
  18. tony05

    misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

    Ooooooooooo yuck Here is my 11% Doppelock i enjoyed thisarvo. Malty as hell. and you dont drink it with your little finger out like Moyboys drinks :) cheers
  19. tony05

    spirits Chilli Vodka

    here it is as it stands nor folks. cheers
  20. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    i got around to taking a picture of my current Single malt stocks. There have been a fair few others that have been and gone as well. I have 2 bottles of the 25 year port Ellen. I have put one away to open when im old :) here they are cheers