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  1. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Sorry folks. First time in 3 years I'm going to have to bail. I had one jalap plant that produced. The rest did not. I'm afraid I have nothing to contribute. Maybe next year. :(
  2. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Page 1 has all the info on how it works.   Usually, we get moving after our end of the season seed drying and testing.   It's usually a full round trip hitting everyone along the way.   What else would you like to know?
  3. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I usually germinate 15 of each strain (6 this year), I almost always get 100% germination, and usually all come up. This year, they all came up but nothing more. I have 12 plants that are seedlings with true leaves but that's it.   2 made it true. 1 from last year. :( Sad year.
  4. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I have 3. All others died. I have no clue what is going on around this area but we are all having a hard time this year. Stunted growth, very low production of fruit.... no real rhyme or reason as soil checks out fine. Maybe next year.
  5. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Not to worry, this is either a very hot time or a very slow time for users. The train will not be leaving the station until after this grow season is over and we have time to proof our new seeds. Don't worry, time will fly by... and once you get it, you will have so many seeds you wont know what...
  6. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    You wont regret it! You'll become something of obsessive after you see the varieties you can grow, if you are not already. My whole yard and deck were covered last year (most didn't make it because of neglect while I was away on vacation but still).
  7. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Sweet! Package arrived!!   That only took 19 days (CP suuuuucks).
  8. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Yep. $4. It helps! :) It's Canada Post that have lost their minds by raising the prices
  9. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Thanks!   Ok, it's out the door!   Tracking Number 0103453000447539 $15.15 to send (ouch).
  10. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    A good news bad news sort of thing...   For the last 2 weeks, I have been bed-ridden with the flu... I'm still pretty bad but after a few hospital trips and a strict diet, I'm on my way back to good health. Meanwhile, the package has arrived but it has arrived at my work. My wonderful girlfriend...
  11. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I don't mean any offense but it's not really up to you.  We need Balduvian to chime in.   If he wants to pay the extra postage for a guaranteed date, that's up to him. If he wants to risk it, I can eliminate the risk by having it sent to me. If it gets here on time, he can come get it. If it...
  12. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I only see four solutions.... one I really like.... and one I really don't like.   1. We send it off as priority mail (a guaranteed delivery date but $$$$$$$$$) 2. Risk it and send it as normal. 3. Send it to me instead. Worst case scenario, Balduvian can come and pick it up from me (sorry, I do...
  13. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I don't want to poke too hard but the package is suppose to go out Friday (48 hours from receipt, rule 11). With all of the Christmas mailing happening, I highly suggest you get it out then.
  14. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    If all others are ready, you can always be on the return trip. That'll be a few weeks; however, if everyone else could use the time, let's hang it up for a couple weeks. We have all winter to get ready :)
  15. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    My plants are getting through our rain but they are about to be overwintered. My 7pot plants have exploded. The rest are average.   I really want to pickle some peppers but my buds are beggin me for some hot sauce.... Oh, the options. :)   Should we be getting this train a-movin? We had our...
  16. Shandley

    Habs & Mango Sauce

    Thanks folks...   Today, I am making this again; however, I have been fermenting a small mash for a week (I know, it's not long but this is a sweet sauce and I don't want an overpowering ferment to take over the natural fresh flavours... but maybe a bit).   I took the habs with 1 clove of...
  17. Shandley

    New to sauce making

    I find carrots necessary when making a thick sauce. They're very fibrous and will keep everything bound together (no thick/thin separation).