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Habs & Mango Sauce

Greetings! This is mostly for my own records but feel free to comment!
5 Orange Hab. Peppers
1 Carrot, peeled and chopped small
1 Cup of chopped onions
1 Garlic Clove
1 Large ripened Mango
1/4 of a Pineapple (approx 1 cup)
1/3 Cup White VInegar
Chop all very well and food process. Add to pot and boil. Cool and process again. Into the food mill to strain. Back to the pot for the final boil. Jar/Bottle/EAT!
This turned out quite well. I was not going to add the pineapple but I like the sauce to be a bit more sweet with onion and garlic. The spice is a 6/10. The flavour is very full.
I did not take photos of the process but I have one of the final product.
Yields about 4 x 5oz woozies
Looks great. My only attempt was a failure. I thought the habs added a bitterness that I didn't like. I'll be waiting for my scotch bonnets to ripen, then try again. Might just steal your recipe!
Nice looking hot sauce.  I am a big fan of mango/habanero, mango/pineapple habanero, pineapple/habanero . . . pretty much any citrus fruit/habanero hot sauce.  Nicely done!
Thanks folks...
Today, I am making this again; however, I have been fermenting a small mash for a week (I know, it's not long but this is a sweet sauce and I don't want an overpowering ferment to take over the natural fresh flavours... but maybe a bit).
I took the habs with 1 clove of garlic, a spoonful of brown sugar and 1 tsp of kosher salt. Blend blend blend and put in a container with a lightly sealed lid, stirring every day for 5 days.
Next in the process is the rest as the ingredients are called for in the first post... I'll be back with photos later on today.
EDIT: Not too bad! I would probably use no garlic next time. Even at one clove, it's there!
This is the ferment mash I used. I took this and put it in a food processor and started spinning.

Then I added the remaining ingredients:

Then I blended a lot... 20 minutes on full. I then I started the first cook...

Next I put the mash back into the processor and blended for about 5 minutes. Then through a sieve, I strained the mixture and discarded the pulp (not a powder kind of reminisce). I boiled and bottled: