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  1. Shandley

    Say, Cayenne?

    I contacted my seller and he actually sent me some TS Butch Ts for free to make up for the loss with major apologizes. He told me he did not know what seeds he sent because he bought the "Butch Ts" from a supplier as his supply ran out. None the less, it's a great plant and I'm excited to make...
  2. Shandley

    Say, Cayenne?

    TS Butch T. *psht*
  3. Shandley

    Say, Cayenne?

    Yeah, I was a sucker who bought seeds off eBay. Never again. None the less, are these Cayenne peppers? They just started turning orange (perhaps a red stage next).
  4. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    +1. I've used this method and it works for most of it. Remember to let them root for a really long time. I usually take my plants out of the 'hothouse' and take a time laps video and see how much it droops within 10-15 minutes. If it's too fast, I keep it in the hothouse to retain the humidity...
  5. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I do not think anyone would be adding to the Giants. I say throw them in with the rest and PEOPLE, do not take all. It needs to last the whole train ride.
  6. Shandley

    With which peppers are YOUR most favorite to make hot sauce?

    Bias is exactly what I am after. Thanks! Keep 'er rollin'!
  7. Shandley

    With which peppers are YOUR most favorite to make hot sauce?

    Now that I am floating in experimental beginner territory and have access to plenty of different strains, what are YOUR most favorite peppers to create your hot sauces?
  8. Shandley

    Ok experts. Let's Go Basic

    Thanks. Actually I get the science. I'm trying to avoid the crappy sauce that has too much vinegar to make it too tart. I've seen a huge range on ratios so Im asking the opinions of you who have done it and like it to your tastes.
  9. Shandley

    Ok experts. Let's Go Basic

    I found the to be overwhelming for a beginner. There is no consistency. That's the reason I posted here. Nothing against the website. It's full of great ideas! Thanks. I was told that 2 cups of vinegar is not much for half a pound of peppers. I tried making stuff last night and...
  10. Shandley

    Ok experts. Let's Go Basic

    I remember a post not too long ago that showed a basic recipe of vinegar, salt, and peppers with photos. I believe this post is from a well known member here. I can't find it to save my life. So, I ask of you: If you had just those three ingredients and say your peppers were Fresno...
  11. Shandley

    Red... Jalapenos?

    I'm thinking Fresno peppers now as well. I'm open to any other suggestions.
  12. Shandley

    Red... Jalapenos?

    Red... Jalapenos? I went to the supermarket today to buy a bunch of peppers to try my hand at hot sauce making. Well, there was slim pickings. They had Jalapenos and these red ones called Red Mexican Peppers. I don't bvelieve for a second that that is their actual name. They are about the...
  13. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Wow! You are starting early, eh?
  14. Shandley

    preservation Vinegar Absorbed? Also, 'green' tasting?

    Yeah, I glanced at it to get an idea but I've canned before. I was under the impression that anything in the 3PH level was safe regardless of heat when canning. I live in Vancouver but I go to Osoyoos every year. Also, I take a trip to Oroville nearly every time to grab a quick 6er.
  15. Shandley

    preservation Vinegar Absorbed? Also, 'green' tasting?

    Ha! Ok, excellent. Ok so maybe I should just redo it. :) Will do! Thanks to all!
  16. Shandley

    preservation Vinegar Absorbed? Also, 'green' tasting?

    I don't get it. If I bring it to 190 anyways in the canner, doesn't that sterilize?
  17. Shandley

    preservation Vinegar Absorbed? Also, 'green' tasting?

    Yes, my apologies. That is what I said but it's not what I did. It's what the recipe said to do. Currently, the sauce is in a canning jar which was sterilized. Can I just put it into a pressure canner for a while (up to temp) with the ring loose to get it to where it needs to be?
  18. Shandley

    preservation Vinegar Absorbed? Also, 'green' tasting?

    Thank you! All opinions and suggestions are welcomed. I should mention that I mis-posted that I actually followed a recipe I found elsewhere that was a scaled down version of the following: 3 Cups of White Vinegar 2 Pounds of Ripe Cayenne or Jalapeno Peppers 2 Teaspoons Salt So mine would be...
  19. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Sweet! I'd like to see some of the older seeds (2009 and less) removed. I have had less than 30% of my 4 years+ seeds germinate (mind you I am new to this). I wouldn't mind seeing some more super hots if anyone's got em. That's what I was really hoping for this round. Anyways, the trip was...