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With which peppers are YOUR most favorite to make hot sauce?

Now that I am floating in experimental beginner territory and have access to plenty of different strains, what are YOUR most favorite peppers to create your hot sauces?
for me it depends on what complimentary flavors I want to achieve. I like Serranos quite a lot for a mild-ish sauce.

I also like Orange Habs for their consistency and flavor.

Now that I'm working on an extra-hot the Morugas are spectacular little peppers - great flavor if you can tame the heat with whatever concoction you're assembling. I love that they cut through with heat/flavor but don't drown out the other flavors in doing so.

Jalapenos are great to work with to for their bland predictability. They have good flavor and I know pretty much exactly what I'm gonna get out of 'em in terms of heat and how they'll interact with my other ingredients.

I honestly haven't met a pepper I didn't like to work with. I've played with Thai Chilis and they're a bit of a PITA because of all the de-stemming (so so many in a lb) so I guess they're my least favorite but they taste fanatstic. Manzanos are delicious but expensive. I love love love the 7-pot Jonahs but also expensive.

hmmm....I guess I don't have a "most favorite". :rofl:
For a red sauce with veggies I like any red 7 pot.

Yellow with fruit I prefer yellow cardi scorp and yellow 7 pot.

But that is what I have growing so I am biased.

+1 for the fuit sauce. Pineapple seems to be my favorite thus far with yellow 7's. Though somebody here did a red fatalii apple sauce that was killer. I think it was JAG if I'm not mistaken.
Dang, I choose not to choose. Seriously, only pepper don't like in sauces is the orange hab. I was making some raised bed frames for radish, beets, lettuces, chard, onion, etc. couple years ago--I open-garden peppers, tomatoes, about everything else, and it hit me what an orange hab tastes like or after-taste of it: had screws in mouth while drill-driving (old stupid habit) and it was that metal taste, (even galvanized). Could just be my taste-buds but to each his/her own.

With that said, orange habs are easy to find in garden centers as plants in spring, if new to this, if can find no other, or not growing peppers, go with it to begin learning to use stuff in hab family; as somebody has said, so many are chinense fam: datil (looking forward to that one next year), fatalii, 7 pod/pot. And some love orange hab.

Depends upon the recipe. If making harissa, I like red poblanos (or any stage of ripeness works) with ripe anaheims, cherry bombs, mexibell, which always been hot for me, ripe jalapeno, as harissa is not supposed to be that hot.

I tend to favor yellow fatalii--still got that back of throat burn but for "all over mouth" experience, love 7 pot/pod yellow. And did one sauce with fatalii pineapple this year. Gonna do another with frozen 7 pots/pods and pineapple this winter. LOVE that one with fatalii applebutter (pretty much stolen from RocketMan but used already canned applebutter + already caned applesauce. (Visits to orchards in late August . . .hmm.)

Carib Reds (w/mango . . . mmm), Choc Hab, and tried a new one this year, St. Barts hab. That's a sneaky one on heat issue. It's nothing but nice fruity taste, initially, then builds. Shockingly, builds. It's wonderful with any tropical fruit, rum sauce.

Here is a thought: don't grow yellow bhuts next to yellow fatalii. Don't pick near dark either-- began a sauce once with about 12-15 yellow bhuts thinking they were fatalii. Yep. I caught the mistake before too much damage: scooped out, and "en fait le change" pdquick.
really depends on the application-
we do the following each year and then add another couple:
smoked cayenne
smoked habanero
smoked scorpion/ghost
jalapeno lemon
datil mango
blackberry 7 pot
datil apple butter
orange (the fruit) habanero pumpkin butter
Though somebody here did a red fatalii apple sauce that was killer. I think it was JAG if I'm not mistaken.

The one I make uses Yellow/True Fataliis. There was someone(I can't remember who either) that got some of the Fatalii/Red Savinna (I mistakenly called them Red Fatalii) last year, and they made an apple sauce with them.
aji yellow
aji omni-color
Jamaican hot chocolate hab
most habs
wild brazil (orange and yellow types)
wiri wiri
Australian lantern

biscgolf is right it does depend on application, also heat level, and taste preferences

thanks your friend Joe
my preference.. although my experience is limited.. is a mix of peppers ..
I love the heat of the peach habs, but have also made mild sauces for some friends using smoked serranos, pablanos and jalapenos
I usually make at least 2-3 cases of Hatch green chile sauce the hottest variety, into this I add some different peppers to see what the additions do to the standard sauce.. for me its all good, but the trial and error method seems to be fun. Funny thing is that my tastes in peppers changes from year to year..