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  1. tony05

    Moyboy's Harvest 19/04/09

    Oh mulberrys............. i love them. I remember climbing the tree at my grandfathers place as a kid and turning myself purple eating them. Ohhh i have to get my hands on some now.......... you have me thinking! The question is where? The Hot lemons are fantastic.... and the white bullet...
  2. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    7 Pod seed source was Trinihottie. I still have your seeds mate, and will be growing them to compare next season along with the Scorpion seeds trinni sent with the 7's Oh i cant wait :) I love this hobby. cheers
  3. tony05

    Aussie Doors and Windows

    The security mesh is more to stop the fly screen ripping on the door with people pushing the door open and closed all the time. Also allows you to lock the door but have the airflow of an open door, while the flies and other aussie stinging type insects are kept out. You will be hard up to find...
  4. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    Thanks folks. Patrick..... was the picture big enough to fit on the desktop? I am using the second pic down. I love it! I dried about 80% of the Devil tongues and ground them into a stinking hot yellow powder. I kept some fresh but i wont be short as i will get this many again soon off that...
  5. tony05

    Aussie Doors and Windows

    I think the picture actually does him justice :) Good work.
  6. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    Also took some arty kind of shots to use as desktop backgrounds. THey look great! If anyone wants bigger sized images, let me know and i will post a link to full sizes images.
  7. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    Howling westerly winds here today. And 3 times now i have had to pick my plants up from their sides. Branches snapped, Ripe and green chillis floating in the pool, not good! So i have moved them to a more sheltered position and decided to harvest to try and cut the weight back on the top heave...
  8. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    Its awsome isnt it........ the most awsome and insane thing i have ever grown or tasted.
  9. tony05

    Fatalii smackdown

    AJ....... if its just sunburnt leaves i wouldnt wory too much My Bhut Jalokis went from this under lights to this 2 days later once it met Mr Sun And now on its second crop
  10. tony05

    Fatalii smackdown

    Remember my "miniture" Fetalli that just wouldnt grow. IT has a lot of flowers on it too Its been fed almost no ferts....... Its had about 3 million aphids on it and has lived on a dies of pestacides for the last 3 weeks, some water when i remember, i think its rootbound actually, but it...
  11. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    And the Devil Tongue. This thisg is so loaded with pods......... a whole branch ectending from the base snapped off after some rain. It left a gaping whole in the side of the plant which upset me somewhat. It had a good 50 pods on it. There are a lot of ripe ones but a good 60% are still green...
  12. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    Amid a massive attack of Aphids.......... that has me spraying thousands of them all over the plants every 2 or 3 days.......... i have pleanty of great fresh pods to brag about. First up......... my fav....... the 7 Pod. love this plant and it will be getting over wintered Here it is after...
  13. tony05

    Fatalii smackdown

    Awww G wiz AJ...... thats a shame. THey were looking great. Remember that timy little plant that wouldnt grow that i lost faith in....... well i forgot about it out the back... watered it now and then and the good old Aussie sunshine has it at a similat size to yours and buds soon to open :)...
  14. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    Made some sauce today with part of this mornings harvest. Easter friday..... nothing else to do :) Used a heap of Devil Tongues and a few of last years Chocolate habs in a Pinaple based Jerk Sauce based on the Stilz classic. I made 4 bottles for under $3 and its awsome..... so close to Micks...
  15. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    There are about a dozen ripe ones on the tree now mate. Drop by and test your tongue over easter :) Im gonna make some sauce with them that im gunna call "7 Tears of Courage" You will need courage to bring on the 7 tears :hell: cheers
  16. tony05

    misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

    Home brewed American Rye. Absolutly supurb!
  17. tony05

    heat So, What is the Hottest Pepper?

    After my experience on saturday night i say the mighty 7! Nagas are hot but they dont make your head ring and vibrate with PAIN like a 7. I would eat raw Bhut ect again but not raw 7 Pod. Nasty!
  18. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    I was up at 5am this morning and a single tear ran down my cheek. Im still rumbling a bit in the guts this morning. Awsome stuff. I really had to fight throwing up, it was touch and go for 20 minutes or so. NEver had a chilli make me do that before. Very tough on the stomach cheers
  19. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    some fun pics of the mahem that is eating 7 Pods Moyboy in trouble Moyboy after 10 min or so Me with my tummy doing back flips And me chasing little Bro off with a big stick as he tried to take more photoes of me cheers
  20. tony05

    Tonys chillis for 2009

    Well tonight was the night. We tried a 7 Pod from the lighter coloured plant. I sliced it in half and we both looked at it and went........ Awwwwwwwww F#$K! And the smell! Intense to say the least. We started to get nervous. Started to doubt our courage when we saw the yellow oily inside of...