Tonys chillis for 2009

Well tonight was the night. We tried a 7 Pod from the lighter coloured plant.

I sliced it in half and we both looked at it and went........ Awwwwwwwww F#$K! And the smell! Intense to say the least.

We started to get nervous. Started to doubt our courage when we saw the yellow oily inside of that red bell from hell.

But..... as per our un-writen agreement..... we grow it, we eat it!




I slice off a good chunk each.... a nice thick slice, and in it goes.

Instantly we both realise we have done something we shouldnt have. Like the first moment you hit very cold water after diving and realise its too late...... you cant get out of it now......... your in!

it hit in a few seconds...... this kind of sting, and the flavour... very intense like a hadanero, similar to the slavinis reds i had last year but much stronger flavour, almost overpowering. Hell the smell of them made you wince away it was so strong.

after about 20 seconds it hit like a freight train. We were both in a lot of trouble. more rouble that i had ever experienced before.

Intense pain! Not just heat that makes you dance and drool......... PAIN! I ate a fair chunk of my Bhut's and you could eat them for breakfast on y`our serial after these.

we both darted around my garage, hoping to outrun the pain. My mouth went numb like it had been scalded with hot water. I had sweat dripping off my nose and chin..... and oh jesus almighty..... i realised i had some stuck in my nasal passage. I went for the nearest beer but knocked it flying.... i was all woozy with pain. I knew it wouldnt help the pain but i just wanted the chunks out of my throat. Grabed my beer (knocked over Moyboys) and washed the nasties down with a mouthfull.

I lost track of time but maybe 5 min of pain that wouldnt let go and Moyboy goes....... Na, im gone..... and runs for the laundry to be rid of the fire in his belly. HE returns saying its worse comming back up but is better off for the purge.

Me on the other hand. I start to feel all dizy and light headed. The burn has subsided to about the burn you get from a habanero after 10 minuites and now my guts are getting upset. My stomach starts to spasm wildly. Im having trouble keeping it down. I say with a stern voice to myself....... Im FINE! and Moyboy cracks up. He saw the funny side of it anyway.
some fun pics of the mahem that is eating 7 Pods

Moyboy in trouble


Moyboy after 10 min or so


Me with my tummy doing back flips


And me chasing little Bro off with a big stick as he tried to take more photoes of me


Ha ha ha, great pictures and story. I really enjoyed reading it. This makes me not look forward to my 7's so much any more.
Oh My GOD........It was a level of pain that I have never experienced in my life!!!!!

When tony cut the thing in half and I saw the yellow in it I actually let out a "F**K NO"...I swear I heard a deep voice say "i'm here for your soul"...:lol:

I was nervous to say the leaat but I couldn't back out....and believe me, I wanted to...

Once it went in the mouth I knew straight away that it was going to be a life changing experience....and the peak heat hit a lot quicker IMO that the Bhut. and when it hit the pain was so intense that I lost control of my senses and lost all concept of time...I tried to retreat to that 'special place' in the back of my mind but the pain was so overwelming that my special place had gone to it's special place and was nowhere to be seen...

I drooled a river for a minute or so and then it hit my belly and I was like "no, i'm gone" and I went and hugged the toilet bowl for a few seconds. Only brought up a tiny bit but OMFG, when it hit the nazal passages I was in real pain.......I'm glad I did it cause I saw tony was still in MASSIVE pain in the belly for like 30 minutes after...

It's the first time a chilli has very made me think of throwing up...I was a little disappointed in myself but was glad to get rid of it...

The morning after is another story and My arse is still a bit to emotion at the moment to tell that story...:lol:
I was up at 5am this morning and a single tear ran down my cheek.

Im still rumbling a bit in the guts this morning. Awsome stuff.

I really had to fight throwing up, it was touch and go for 20 minutes or so. NEver had a chilli make me do that before. Very tough on the stomach

Bloody fantastic guys. "My special place had retreated to it's special place" thats f'n hilarious!

I love those pics toooooo, weeeeeeeeeeee. You made one mistake though, you didn't video it- now back out to the shed and torture yourself again you pussies!!
Novacastrian said:
You made one mistake though, you didn't video it- now back out to the shed and torture yourself again you pussies!!

There are about a dozen ripe ones on the tree now mate. Drop by and test your tongue over easter :)

Im gonna make some sauce with them that im gunna call "7 Tears of Courage"

You will need courage to bring on the 7 tears :hell:

I will take you up on that offer my friend, after tonight i feel like i could eat the entire plant, not in one sitting of coarse!
Made some sauce today with part of this mornings harvest. Easter friday..... nothing else to do :)

Used a heap of Devil Tongues and a few of last years Chocolate habs in a Pinaple based Jerk Sauce based on the Stilz classic. I made 4 bottles for under $3 and its awsome..... so close to Micks its not funny. VEry happy.

Also cut up some 7's to make a bottle of "7 TEARS OF PAIN' And the name fits. Has about the burn of raw habanero with the smallest drop on the finger.

I was cutting them up...... removing seeds wearing gloves and my hands were shaking with fear and excitement looking at he sticky yellow drops of oil in them. Awsome stuff to see with your own eyes!


here are some of the 7's i picked today.


and the sauce i put them in.... well.... 5 of them anyway. Pick the 7 Pod sauce!

the sauce looks wonderful Tony, but the fresh pods look even more enticing...
Amid a massive attack of Aphids.......... that has me spraying thousands of them all over the plants every 2 or 3 days.......... i have pleanty of great fresh pods to brag about.

First up......... my fav....... the 7 Pod.

love this plant and it will be getting over wintered

Here it is after picking about 30 chilli's already




tony....those look very evil...

I love the 7 Pot plants...
And the Devil Tongue.

This thisg is so loaded with pods......... a whole branch ectending from the base snapped off after some rain. It left a gaping whole in the side of the plant which upset me somewhat. It had a good 50 pods on it.

There are a lot of ripe ones but a good 60% are still green which is scary. But god they make great sauce.


here is the view from the gaping whole on one side of the plant. you can see i have had to tie up the branches to hold the weight of the pods


tony05 said:
Its awsome isnt it........ the most awsome and insane thing i have ever grown or tasted.

And we are growing the scorpian next season.....

My arse is screaming already.....:shoked: