Search results

  1. azguy

    Cola De Gallo

    Happy that you are enjoying the Kori, They seem to take for ever to ripen but once red they are great in Salsa. On top of that the plants are very prolific. Its not usual to find 50-70 pods on a plant at a single time. I am not growing any this year but have a ton of seed if you or anyone else...
  2. azguy

    Cola De Gallo

    Has anyone ever heard of the pepper in this You Tube video? The guy calls it a Cola de Gallo (I am sure I have it spelled wrong). I can not find any information on this variety other than his video, wondering if it may go by another name. Thanks...
  3. azguy

    Maya Habanero ??

  4. azguy

    Maya Habanero ??

    Hi Has anyone grown Maya Habaneros? I am wondering how well they produce and also how they are on heat and taste. Any information that you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Dan
  5. azguy

    Pepper ID ??

    I am sure its not Tabasco, there are two plants (from last year) just a few feat away. Not only is the leaf growth different but so if the flavor. These pods start off as green and mature straight to red. You don't get the orange stage like you do with Tabasco. Thanks
  6. azguy

    Pepper ID ??

    Hello, The other day I picked up an ornamental pepper at a Home Depot in Tucson AZ, I am having a hard time trying to identify it. Pods are larger than a Thai Sun Pepper but around the same heat range. Leaves grow in close clusters and the pods point straight up. I tried looking up the info on...
  7. azguy

    New to the the hot pepper, from tucson

    :welcome: Also from the surrounding Tucson area
  8. azguy

    T8 Florescent Bulbs

    I have been looking for T8 grow bulbs locally and have been unable to locate any. It seems that everyone (Home Depot & Lowes) has them in T12. I am wondering if normal T8's can be used as grow bulbs for new sprouts? Thanks
  9. azguy

    Cumari, C Chinense for SASBE

    PM Sent
  10. azguy

    Cumari, C Chinense for SASBE

    Nice :halo:
  11. azguy

    wanted Looking for low or no heat Habanero

    Hi, I am in search of low or no heat Hab seeds (just a few). Maybe something like Aji Dulce. Does anyone have any for sale or trade? Any information that you have would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  12. azguy

    Chinchi Pepper?

    Thanks Guys
  13. azguy

    Chinchi Pepper?

    Hi, Is this an actual variety or just a renamed orange hab? The site says it grows upright but the photo looks similar to an orange hab http://www.sevenacre...-Hot-SAP108.htm Thanks
  14. azguy

    chinense The Health Benefits of Habanero Peppers
  15. azguy

    Ornamental Pepper?

    Has anyone ever grown this variety of Ornamental? Thanks
  16. azguy

    Look what Santa dropped off

    My wife is such a sweetie, for Christmas she gave me a small Green House from Harbor Freight. http://www.harborfre...ouse-47712.html It will take a full weekend of assembling but it's well worth it. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
  17. azguy

    merry x-mas - happy holidays to yall

    Merry Christmas!!!!!
  18. azguy

    Hi from CT

    :welcome: from Arizona
  19. azguy

    Hello from Y-Town Ohio

    :welcome: from Arizona
  20. azguy

    Hi from Spokane, WA!

    :welcome: from Arizona