Hi from CT

Hello everyone, I probably should have looked at some other posts before doing this so I have an idea about what to say.. but oh well....

I have been growing hot peppers the last 2-3 years, sharing my moms garden, I am 23, about to be 24 and have a BS in biology and am taking classes to apply to be a physician assistant in the future. My dad has always loved hot things, and I was off and on with them, but since growing my own hot peppers I have started to love them and all things spicy, I don't go crazy with it but I am slowly advancing up the SV scale.. slowly but surely, and this year I would like to at the very least try each one of the peppers that I will be growing (Tepin, Bulgarian Carrot, Hottie Hybrid, Red Caribbean, Pretty Purple Pepper, Big Bomb Hybrid, Congo Trinidad, Cherry Bomb Hybrid, Fatalii, Jamaican Hot Chocolate) I have only eaten a few Bulgarian carrots that I grew 2 summers ago when I first started growing peppers. I have been just getting them from the local garden store but decided to order some seeds online and grow peppers that are not common around here (there really isn't much available for growing hot peppers around here)

This year I really wanted to start growing peppers inside, to get an early start for planting them in the garden, and also to keep about 12-14 or them or so in pots so I can bring them back in next winter and keep them producing peppers! So I have found this site and intend to get some much needed help, and eventually help others and share some things I learn along the way.. so far I have a salsa recipe that I have pieced together and finally found the right combination and will be posting it soon and I can't wait to try out other peoples recipes and include the new peppers I will be growing

So.. I think that is it I guess!
Welcome from Fort Worth....isn't Cross Country Nurseries up in your neck of the woods?....
You say:
"I have a salsa recipe that I have pieced together and finally found the right combination and will be posting it soon and I can't wait to try out other peoples recipes and include the new peppers I will be growing"

I just today received Redtailforesters 3 small 2 Oz bottles and they were fantastic. You might want to try them out cause they are just samplers and very good.

Glad to see you on THP; Live Long and Pepper :D

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