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  1. Papyrus

    seeds-germination Frozen Pepper seeds

    Hello Everyone,   I feel like I should know the answer to this but don't.  If I freeze whole pods, will the seeds inside still be viable?  I know it may reduce the germination rate but I don't know about 100% of the seeds.  I'm guessing it'll toast all of them as peppers don't normally inhabit...
  2. Papyrus

    Lemonime, Lemon Hybrid

    They are great to eat straight when you are feeling sour about life.   
  3. Papyrus

    fermenting Reducing salt in fermented sauce - how low can i go?

    It should drop quite a bit, I'd expect the water to break down some of the salt into sodium and chloride ions...?  I need coffee before I think...I'm using 2% and it seems to be working out...
  4. Papyrus

    disease-pests Aphids vs. me

    They are persistent but I've got my entire life to fight them.  Like some of the tips everyone has shared, tape on the stem, hose the plant down, light use of insecticides (after pepper harvest) and cutting the plants way back to limit their distribution.    My scorpion Moruga has white flies on...
  5. Papyrus

    disease-pests Aphids vs. me

    They are still dead, if they come back I'll be waiting. Good way to vent stess from studying is to sit there and crush aphids on the helps yoi develop patience...crushing them improves physical dexterity. I think ive lost my mind.
  6. Papyrus

    disease-pests White bugs and powder under my habanero leaves

    Fire works well too...hairspray and a lighter.
  7. Papyrus

    How early is to early to start growing?

    Appreciate the info as well folks!! got an order in for a few varieties...going to plant those badboys as soon as they arrive!  Cheers!
  8. Papyrus

    tv Free TV isn't gonna be free much longer.

    I use my TV as a foot rest while I type out messages wearing a tin foil hat on this forum.  Nobody can read me thoughts eh????/
  9. Papyrus

    disease-pests White bugs and powder under my habanero leaves

    I had those on my Scorpion Moruga.  Basically used a combination of physical crushing, Venus fly trap and soapy water to eradicate them.  I'm with Edmick on this one, they need to be liberated from life.
  10. Papyrus

    Scope mouthwash usually does the trick if you drink enough of it.

    Scope mouthwash usually does the trick if you drink enough of it.
  11. Papyrus

    disease-pests Aphids vs. me

    Me: 1 Aphids: 0   That is all.
  12. Papyrus

    Council of Grand Master Wizards Advice Required

    I gave'er...will keep posted.
  13. Papyrus

    Failed Pepper Projects... Yours ??

    Definitely over-watered the sh#@#$%t out of existing peppers but managed to squeeze by as they were plants that were a few years old and strong (inherited them from a friend).    Lost a few batches of peppers recently while trying to ferment them to make hot sauce (at least i think the batch is...
  14. Papyrus

    Council of Grand Master Wizards Advice Required

    So I managed to process the morugas but the ferment didn't seem to start.  Introduced some homemade kimchi to it in an attempt to get it to ferment but i don't believe it's working as it's been 4 days.  Any suggestions on how to kick start it quick time?  Hoping I didn't just waste my entire...
  15. Papyrus

    Council of Grand Master Wizards Advice Required

      That is one badass process man!  Gave me a lot of ideas!  The only thing I'm missing is those a few laying around?:P  Cheers man!
  16. Papyrus

    fermenting MikeUSMC's Ferments (pic heavy)

    Wicked post man!  Gave me some ideas for this batch of morugas!!! HELLZ YEEEEEEEEEEAH!
  17. Papyrus

    Council of Grand Master Wizards Advice Required

    Awwww com'on, what about liquid swords...pretty awesome.
  18. Papyrus

    Council of Grand Master Wizards Advice Required

    Clan of the Scoprion Moruga, there is no other clan.  All bow before their might.  'Errrrrr...your fermentedness.  Can't believe I forgot to list salt, thanks for the reminder Show!  Looking forward to this!  Cheers!~
  19. Papyrus

    [Oct 16] What are you working on this week?

    Edmick is the bacon still up for grab?  I'm working towards making some fermented hot sauce...just cant say no to that with bacon.
  20. Papyrus

    Council of Grand Master Wizards Advice Required

    Hello all,   New to the world of growing hot pepper for myself.  I've got a 3 year old Trinidad Scoprion Moruga that threw down a bumper crop this year.  I am planning on making a fermented hot sauce of out of them that will probably be ultra hot (just perfect!).  So I wanted to run my plans for...