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  1. AJ Drew

    Been a while. Kind of desperate.

    Between the hospital stays and all that near death stuff, I havent been around.  I am still unable to walk more than a few feet.  Did not plant out this season.  Closed the online store.  Bank sold our farm and we are about to be homeless.  Haters will hate, but I gotta admit we are screwed and...
  2. AJ Drew

    watering Advice for Drip Irrigation

    All of my produce stock is field grow.  But I am gradually moving to containers for seed stock.  Went away last weekend without watering, things were way droopy when I got back.  Five gallon containers, but they are black and suck up the sun.  Thinking about drip irrigation for next year, but...
  3. AJ Drew

    hybrids Easy / Popular crossing

    I have been goofing / growing out Reaper x Douglah for a bit now.  Made the choice because they seem like really popular peppers to cross.  Have seen Douglah x Everything and Reaper x Everything.  Sure someone has done Reaper x Douglah, but havent seen it yet.  Am wondering why these two are...
  4. AJ Drew

    DEA might have to rethink grow tech

    When much younger, read a statement by the DEA that claimed it was not economical to grow any lawful crop under lights.  I thought they were a bit off back then.  Maybe not seed to harvest, but surely starting indoors was economical.  Heck, some of the larger tobacco farmers do that here in KY. ...
  5. AJ Drew

    Too much rain and ripening

    Have spent years sloping property and establishing run off rows.  Not in danger of flooding or anything like that.  But between not being able to get out there to weed and slow pod ripening, the rain is getting on my nerves.  When it is light, I will go out there and weed anyway, covered in mud...
  6. AJ Drew

    Strawberry PL

    Pepperlover has a new variety listed as Strawberry for 2018.  Not sure if the seeds sold for this season or if they are new for this season.  Has anyone grown it or know anything about it?  If it is a hot or super hot, I see some chocolate, sprinkles, and pissed off friends in my future cause...
  7. AJ Drew

    The 100 n other Science Fiction Grow Tech

    TV show The 100 has a hydroponic farm, underground, under lights.  I -think- the problem is they have no nutrients but they keep using terms that better relate to soil growing.  So the solution in the TV show is to grow algae and feed the algae to the plants.  Evidently, while they have...
  8. AJ Drew

    Heat, Radiation, or both?

    Wednesday heat index was about a million five.  Toilet busted, bunch of things went wrong, just kind of lost it.  The idea of living my normal life for one more day in that heat was more than I could deal with.  So we went to a hotel for the 4th of July, swam, turned AC way up, had take out. ...
  9. AJ Drew

    container-growing Reusing compost in a container

    Saw a video with Jim Duffy.  He was showed compost in a bucket that he was reusing.  Not sure why, but I dump my containers into the garden after one season of use.  Have never thought to use it for more than a year.  My compost is usually wood, leaves, grass, and some duck poop.  I imagine...
  10. AJ Drew

    Land slope and rain

    You live and you learn.  I've been changing the slope of our land for about 10 years.  Putting in catchments, establishing rows to catch the run off and prevent standing water by moving it to the catchments.  Am wondering if there are other folk who have gone a similiar route.  Its the down pour...
  11. AJ Drew

    Another Great Weekend in the 13th Century

    We had another great weekend at the Kentucky Renaissance Festival.  Its not that we are rolling in money, but we did OK and had a great time.  It is hard to describe to folk who dont do something similar.  I built the shop about 13 years ago, before their first season.  It is thirty foot by...
  12. AJ Drew

    Screwing with Wikipedia

    In case someone bought into the hype, as far as I know neither Dragons Breath nor Pepper X have ever been shown to be hotter than the Carolina Reaper.  Oh but someone said it, someone repeated it, and now it seems it is fact.  First there was the Carolina Reaper, then the Dragon's Breach beat...
  13. AJ Drew

    seeds-germination Super Hots, Germination, and Heat

    When I buy new seed stock, super hot or not, I almost always use extra heat to germinate.  When I have plenty of seed stock, I dont always use extra heat.  Thing is, I am old school on lighting so my grow room is good 80 degrees when the house is more like 65.  The result being that I have never...
  14. AJ Drew

    Scandinavian / Viking Peppers?

    I know capsicums are a New World discovery for the Europeans and the Norse landed way too far north for capsicums, but I wounder if there were not other peppers grown or traded by Scandinavians during the Viking Age.  I know read the Vikings were heavily involved in the spice trade.  It was a...
  15. AJ Drew

    New generation of organic pesticide

    Welcoming a new generation of pesticide
  16. AJ Drew

    Gardening term: Something and drape?

    Looking for term I heard but can not remember.  It is when you pull weeds in a row and then drape them between the plants as a weed barrier / mulch in place.  I think it was something and drape.  Any clue?
  17. AJ Drew

    hot-sauce Slice of Hot Sauce ???

    So the company is selling slices of ketchup, but their name is slice of sauce.  I wonder how long till we get slice of hot sauce.  I like it.
  18. AJ Drew

    Baby bird rescue photo

    I could not find a nest anywhere near where I found her.  I have never had good luck trying to save these little critters.  But it is a day and a half.  She is eating, drinking, and almost standing.  She is very active, demanding food every hour or so.  
  19. AJ Drew

    Job at 14 - Good or Bad?

    I -think- I was 13 when I had my first job in rural Indiana.  Might have been 14, but think 13.  My grandfather put me up to it.  I wanted a snow mobile.  Remember snow?  Anyway, my grandfather said he would match me dollar for dollar as long as I earned my dollars.  Couldn't be from my parents...
  20. AJ Drew

    Selling seeds obtained for free

    There is a scam alert at THP with speculation that the person is reselling seeds he gets for free.  Have read the same thing on various facebook pages.  I love doing seed train with folk and have noticed some folk include really big bags of seeds.  So I suppose a person could repackage and...