Search results

  1. abf303

    fermenting 5 gallons of jalapeno mash

    i picked up 40lbs of jalapenos from work for a good price. And i also had a extra better bottle from brewing so i decided i would do a 5 gallon jalapeno ferment here is the recipe 40# jalapenos (roasted and smoked) 3 large white onions (Charred on the grill) 1 lb carrots (charred on the...
  2. abf303

    2012 grow log

    Its been a while since i've posted anything so i thought what a better way then to show what i have in the backyard. a hybrid 7 pot bhut jolokia ( from pablo i believe... said pablo 1x on the seeds from a few years ago) thai orange thai orange same seeds from the first picture but a...
  3. abf303

    my 2010 grow thread

    i will soon be staring my seeds and getting everything ready for this upcoming season. i plan on germinating around 150 seeds and keep the healthy and most promising plants since i have only enough room for 60 to 70 plants. so until i get them started here is my grow list. its not 100% ready so...
  4. abf303

    trade my seeds for trade

    since my season is coming to an end i thought i would post my seed list so i can get ready for next year. here are the seeds i have for trade (* out of seed) kung pao hybrid Caribbean red thai sun long red slim* thai orange thai red red dominica neon yellow hab dynamite trinidad...
  5. abf303

    harvesting one of my last harvest of the season

    my plants arnt producing pods any more and the ripe ones are getting low. and today we had the first snow of the season, not bad in my part of town but the temps were around 40F. so my season is coming to an end but im already getting excited about next year. harvested 1.8lbs today back row...
  6. abf303

    harvesting harvest time

    i picked about a pound before i went on vacation. and when i got back i had 2.5 pounds to pick. some 7 pots and bhuts
  7. abf303

    harvesting weekend harvest

    just picked these last night. i finally got a harvest over a pound, came in just at 17oz. top left to right: kung pao, thai oragne, tobago sweet scotch bonnet middle: fatalii hybrid (hydro plant), aniheim, fatalii hybrid (outside plant) bottom: bhut jolokia, 7pot, big jim
  8. abf303

    harvesting another small harvest

    just picked 10oz of peppers today. i should be getting a bigger harvest next week or so. la cruces on top, tabago sweet scotch bonnet on bottom both fatalii hybrid. top outdoors, bottom hydro ( tried to tie a string around the pod to se what would happen) thai orange on top and 7 pot...
  9. abf303

    my outdoor plants

    hey guys thought i would start a thread for my outdoor pepper plants. so far they are all doing good even though some hail damage. so far i have rocotos, kung pao, la cruces, big jim, Anaheim, tabago sweet scotch bonnet, trinidad 7pot, trinidad scorpion and bhut jolokia. i am also growing a...
  10. abf303

    bean sprouts

    anybody else grow bean sprouts? i have just got into growing them and they are great. they take about 3-5 days to grow them and are very easy to grow as well. i use mung beans i bought from the local vitamin cottage.
  11. abf303

    hydroponics hydroponic fatalii

    here is a few pis of my fatalii plat in my hydro system. its around 3 months old and has just started to produce some peppers. this is my first time growing a fatalii plant hydroponically, and is my 3rd hydroponic grow i have ever done.
  12. abf303

    just bought a new gun

    today i went in to the local gun shop and noticed they had a stainless steel ruger mini 14 with 1 5rd mag and a 20rd mag. i have always wanted one, so i thought why not buy it. i will go out on friday with a couple friends and see how it shoots. the owner at the gun shop was nice enough to...
  13. abf303

    overwintering my winter hydroponic grow

    i have just finished extending my grow box out another foot and a half. my grow area is 5' x 6' and 7' tall. this time i will only grow 1 bhut jolokia, 1 7pot, 1 trinidad scorpion and 1 fatalii. last year i ran out of room with 6 plants so thats is why im doing only 4. i started the seeds nov 7...
  14. abf303

    trade my seeds for trade

    hey im looking for trinidad scropions and trinidad douglah but am also intrested in any seasoning pepper. here are the seeds i have at the moment to trade. PM me if interested Dynamite Mustard Hab Trinidad Congo Carribean Red Thai Sun Neon Yellow Hab Yellow Scotch Bonnet Trinidad Yellow Congo...
  15. abf303

    cloning homemade aeroponic cloner

    i made this cloner about a month ago and since i had the pump, air stone and aquarium heater it wasn't to expensive to make. all i had to buy was the 8 gallon rubbermaid tub ($16), the ez clone inserts ($25 for 35), 18 180 degree sprayers ($0.35 each) and some pvc pipe and connectors ($6).
  16. abf303

    new hydro grow log

    well i decided today to take out the plants out of my hydro system so i am able to start up some new ones. this time i will have only 4 plants and they will be grown in rockwool slabs. i will be growing bhut jolokia, fatali , and two 7pod thanks agian to quebecfire. June 07 2008 Day 1
  17. abf303

    grow bags

    well im about a month or so away from planting up to 5 gallon pots and moving all my bhuts outside. i was looking around and found out about grow bags and for $6.50 for 10 bags seems like a good price. so my question is have any of you used them before? and are they a good alternative to plastic...
  18. abf303

    my alder basil salsa

    hey just wanted to show you a new salsa i made today. its a smoked basil and hab salsa. it turned out to be a pretty good mix and it has good heat
  19. abf303

    trade my seeds for trade

    here is a list of the seeds i have. the number next to them is the quantity i have for trade. let me know if anyone is interested. bhut jolokia - 6 scotch bonnet - 7 carribean red - 5 orange hab - 8 super chili - 5 long red slim pepper? - 10 grocery store yellow hab - 20 grocery store red hab - 20
  20. abf303

    orange hab sauce

    hey just wanted to share a new orange hab sauce that i made tonight. i used 1 pound of orange habs with a little tomato, onion, vinegar and spices. its hot just a few drops will do it