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  1. samdizshiz

    No fruit

    I have a chocolate reaper plant. It is growing tons of blooms but it's seems the anthers are not opening to release pollen. The plant is set up in a dwc bucket vegetation looks great but it's been months of flowers with no fruit. I cut back all ferts to see if there was to much nitrogen but that...
  2. samdizshiz

    Small harvest

    These are some unknown seeds supposed to be a "b goat" but it was not isolated. They have a smokey flavor and smell and are very very hot. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  3. samdizshiz

    What is this

    I have this plant labeled as a Bahamian goat but it looks more red than anything but one of the peppers ripening on the plant is orange any idea ? Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  4. samdizshiz

    First glog first grow

    I started a few plants back in April and they are producing now. The first few pictures show those the second is the plant set up with drip irrigation outside. As of right now here are the varieties I have Bahamian goat Habanero Scotch brains AJI Lemondrops Monkey Face Yellow Andy's unreaper...
  5. samdizshiz

    pod-i.d. Supposed to be habaneros

    These are supposed to be habaneros but they don't look small and they have more folds in them then most Habs I've seen ? What do y'all think they are Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  6. samdizshiz

    health Brown spots ?

    I found these brown spots on my peach ghost scorpion plant it seems to only be developing on new growth any idea on what this is would be appreciated Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  7. samdizshiz

    Yes Id ?

    Found them today first time I have seen them They seems to be only on the fruits ? Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  8. samdizshiz

    pruning-topping Topping

    What is the right size for topping ? I topped my monkey face it is allot taller than the super hots is this one large enough to top ? Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  9. samdizshiz

    How is the progress? Next step?

    Here is a photo of the plants I started this year from seed they were planted on 3/25/19 The larger ones are aji lemon drop and monkey face yellow the smaller ones are all super hots is it normal for there grow rate to be allot slower ? Is it time for a transplant this is my first grow from seed...
  10. samdizshiz

    Blossom drop problem

    My cayenne pepper plant has been in bloom I have switched to a fert with more phosphorus and watered regularly I have also been pollinating by hand but it seems every bloom has fallen after a few days what do u think could be the issue also I live in Texas the temps have been from 60 to 78...
  11. samdizshiz

    What is this

    It was placed outside due to it being warm now in Texas for 2 days when I came home I noticed these spots any idea what it is ? Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  12. samdizshiz

    watering Over watered

    I watered my plants before leaving for the weekend a cold front blew in and rained on my pepper plants they are drenched the soil Is soaked the plants are fine for now should I be okay ? Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  13. samdizshiz


    Easy to navigate site a big selection and good prices Shipping was fast and there is a ton of information for growing as well I ordered ten varieties they came in a nice padded envelope but the crazy thing is it came with 9 freebies!! Awesome place to buy from going to get more next season...
  14. samdizshiz

    seeds-germination Germination with peat pellets

    Has anyone used the peat pellets like in the jiffy seed trays for germination. I saw coco pellets as well any experience with these types and what is your favorite and most reliable germination method
  15. samdizshiz

    Seeds? Where do I get them

    I'm new to forums and it looks like a maze to navigate. This might be posted somewhere else but I can't find any. I found local stores that sell Carolina reaper seeds they call them smoking Ed's ? I ordered some other seeds off of Amazon later realizing that they are no good. I am trying to...
  16. samdizshiz

    Having problem with habenero plant?

    I'm in South Texas I have moved my plant outside I have been watering regularly the temp has been are 70 to 80 but winds have been high at night the tips of my plant have started to rot away ? Any idea
  17. samdizshiz

    Hi I'm Sam from Texas I have a problem with my habenero plant

    I am located in South Texas we have had some warm weather so I transplanted my habenero plant outside into a larger pot and Watered it. temp has been around 60 to 80 but the wind has been blowing hard at night I got off work and notice my plants leaves have drooped and lost some of the tip what...