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  1. caroltlw

    YAMP - Yet Another Mystery Pepper

    Planted some black scorpion tongues I got for free. They started with purple baby leaves (which turned green) except for 1 plant. The same plant also never developed purple pods - they were green until they started ripening. I've got enough of them now to see a different pod shape on most pods...
  2. caroltlw

    propogating-cloning My first clone

    I snapped a small jalapeno branch when we were moving due to the flood earlier this year. I figured I might try cloning just to see if I could do it in case I really need to sometime. My last few half-hearted attempts failed, or I got bored with them before anything happened. Either way, this...
  3. caroltlw

    yield-harvest While I was away - harvest

    I'm back in town after a 10 pseudo-vacation. I picked anything that looked ripe or half ripe before I left, and when I got back there was this: Here's the breakdown. 2 red and 2 orange hab plants... 2 Greek pepperoncini (2+ weeks on these) 2 lemon drops (c. bac)... (cont.)
  4. caroltlw

    chinense Market Scotch Bonnets

    I was surprised to see some Scotch Bonnets at the grocery store today. They were in bad shape from sitting a long time - I don't think they're selling well. They were labeled as 'product of USA' and I guess they're farias? I picked through the truly disgusting ones and came up with 4 that...
  5. caroltlw

    food Hot Marmalade Jam

    Got so happy doing up concentrates today that I tried my 3rd batch of what I shall call Hot Marmalade Jam, for want of a better name. It started out as a salsa, but the vinegar was all wrong for the lemon drop flavor. The next batch had way too much orange (with pulp) in it. But this one, this...
  6. caroltlw

    Measuring Up

    I'm going out of town for a week to 10 days so here's an update on how the plants are doing before I go. The tallest plant (except for an immature aji amarillo) is the long choc hab (Feb 14): (The blue ruler is 18") And her seed sacs: The plant with the heaviest pods is the larger of 2 red...
  7. caroltlw

    other-condiments Green salsa questions

    Made my first fresh green salsa yesterday and boy howdy, is it hot! I mean compared to the same thing in the red version. Only basic difference in my recipe being tomatillos instead of tomatoes and paste etc. So... Do the tomatoes in red salsa tame the heat that much? Or is it the extra...
  8. caroltlw

    Culling Carnage

    I had to do it. It's been too hot here to keep up with watering the rootbound plants I was saving "just in case" something happened to my other plants. I'll be out of town for several days soon and my neighbor will water for me. I need to make it less of a chore for her. I cut down several...
  9. caroltlw

    pickling Greek pepperoncini pickle test

    The Greek pepperoncinis were a sore spot around the household last year because no matter what I did they didn't "taste right" to the BF and we threw away pretty much everything and decided just to eat them fresh. So when Potawie brought up the subject, I decided to once and for all solve this...
  10. caroltlw

    preservation Drying peppers

    ...without a dehydrator. Here's my test batch of cayennes that I dried on a rack on my car's dash and then on top of a toolbox. It took several days to dry out all the way (not counting the days it rained). I like the way the cayennes turned out. They're transluscent and they look like an...
  11. caroltlw

    video test - tree falling

    Been a while since I did any video. Testing this YouTube link. May not be done processing yet... Ooops, needed YT tags Lemme know how the quality and bandwidth etc is.
  12. caroltlw

    Pepper Drop

    A couple of my unripe lemon drop pods were in the dirt today (both from the same plant, no others doing same). The crown is yellowish and it looks like the plant aborted them, but I'm not entirely sure why or if it could be a bug problem instead. It is still setting new fruit further up and has...
  13. caroltlw

    show-off Misc macro pics

    Went crazy with the macro lens. Here's some of the nicest ones: Lemon drop flower (maybe?) Caribbean Red flower Mutant jalapeno flower - too many petals Mutant pepper starting to form from above flower - freaky. [cont...]
  14. caroltlw

    carol's flood pictures

    Our closest flood guage stopped working this morning... yeah those are zip ties. It's an outdated one that isn't used for predictions any more. Been there since 1930-something. All the guages upstream are FUBAR also so I can't see the data on the web any more. House on the Withlacoochee is...
  15. caroltlw

    White hab: back from cusp of death

    These are the Peruvian Whites that have been giving me a hard time again this year. It all started when I did a germination test and decided to raise a couple of the sprouts even though it meant going through winter with them. By the end of January it was suffereing from some frost damage but...
  16. caroltlw

    Here it comes!

    Time to batten down the hatches and cross my fingers. Looks a lot like the type of storm that will blow down some trees.
  17. caroltlw

    Broken heart

    How do you mend a broken heart? Like this I hope: That's what I'm getting this afternoon. Which is why I haven't been posting for a few days - had an episode last week that put me in hospital and I haven't seen my plants in...
  18. caroltlw

    And the winner is...

    Hungarian Hot Wax! They would like to thank the Academy, their families, and MOST OF ALL this forum. ::applause:: I think all those wax flowers (8+) have set fruit. The cayenne, probably not. Let's see if these pan out over the next few days. The plants are still small so I'm a little concerned...
  19. caroltlw

    Plant Out 3/5

    The weather's looking up for the next week or so and the last batch I put on the ground has survived several frosy nights and 2 hard rains without difficulty. Here's a group pic of some 4" potted seedlings that deperately wanted a more spacious home: This is what a rootball on some of the...
  20. caroltlw

    Saturday afternoon flower porn

    These have got to be the easiest pepper to grow. They don't care if it's hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, dry, wet... they just grow and grow and grow. A sixpack of H.Wax in 4" pots: Buds, buds everywhere: Pollinate me! Got to get more of these in the ground or 1gal pots after this cold snap...