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  1. M

    labels-artwork Anybody got a Solution for applying 100s of Labels quickly and consistently?

    Hey all, I'm making 100 bottle batches and looking for a way to quickly apply labels. I'm thinking there's got to be a tool or something out there that can help me quickly apply labels that are applied to the same position of every bottle. Like a roller or something? If there's nothing out...
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    shipping-packaging Sauce darkens aftdr shipping

    Have you all experienced any issues with your sauce darkening due to shipping? If so what solutions have you found. My sauce tends to darken on a long journey and in at least one case resulted in change in flavor
  3. M

    shipping-packaging Sauce Compression

    Hey all, Long story short; I mailed two bottles of my sauce to Amsterdam and roundtripped them back to me. (Was not intentional. Had a logistics SNAFU with my content creator who happens to be based in Amsterdam.) Anyway, I figured I would use this opportunity to see how my sauce fared while...
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    business-legal High Oil Content in my Sauce

    So I've been reaching out to various process authorities regarding a process review. I was informed by WSU that they couldn't test/review my sauce because it has an oil content that is more than 10% of the total formulation weight. Has anyone heard this? It's not clear to me if WSU just...
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    sharre-a-recipe Sharing my Ketchup Recipe

    I have a very simple ketchup recipe that I developed out of necessity as a base ingredient and think it's pretty good. Let me know what you think or what you'd change! Ketchup: tomato paste = 1/3 cup Apple cider vinegar = 4 oz Sugar = 4oz Salt = 1 tablespoon Combine in sauce pan and bring to...
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    labels-artwork Ingredients Label

    Hello All. First time poster. Big time fan. I'm working to launch a sauce business and have many questions. One question I have not been able to find an answer to is around the protocals/requirements of listing my ingredients on my labels. I know there is a small business exemption possible...
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    Hello I am a big fan of hot sauces of all kinds and Chinese sauces too. I'm here to learn about new sauces and to learn about bottling my own sauce.