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  1. The Hot Pepper

    business-legal The "How do I even get started?" Hot Sauce Biz Community Thread

    Ask any questions here about getting started/first steps in the food business, namely, hot sauce. There are no dumb questions, that's why this thread was started. Don't be afraid to ask!
  2. The Hot Pepper

    pickling Besides the jalapeno...

    ...what pepper do you like pickled?
  3. The Hot Pepper

    hot-sauce What's your everyday hot sauce?

    What hot sauce is your everyday sauce?
  4. The Hot Pepper

    flavor Which pepper do you find is the smokiest in taste...

    ...without it actually being smoked? You may consider fresh or dried.
  5. The Hot Pepper

    favorite What is you favorite pepper to grow for looks?

    Beautiful or gnarly, ornamental variety or not, what pepper do you grow for looks? And if anyone says the peter pepper... 😂 Post pics if possible.
  6. The Hot Pepper

    THP Official Group Glog!

    Hey growers! We're about to ring in the new year! Use this Group Glog in 2 ways: Perhaps you don't want to start your own Glog, and that's fine! Just drop your progress posts here! You might have your own Glog but it is very specific, that's fine, drop your more random posts here! Either way...
  7. The Hot Pepper

    news THIS is why you do it the RIGHT way! FDA recalls "Sriracha"
  8. The Hot Pepper

    favorite What is your favorite smoky pepper that is not smoked?!😳

    Fresh or dried but not smoked. Perhaps you find an ancho smoky. I'll go first. Jamaican Hot Chocolate. I've only had it dried as powder but it has this really cool smoky profile. If you answer, make sure your specify if it is fresh or dried. Go!
  9. The Hot Pepper

    harvesting What pepper are you most excited about this season?

    ...that you are growing.
  10. The Hot Pepper

    Life is plants

    Plants are life
  11. The Hot Pepper

    favorite Favorite chinense? Perfume, meh!

    Some say perfume—some say parfum! Those are the boujie mofos! What's your favorite chinense?
  12. The Hot Pepper

    favorite What is your favorite pepper to pickle?

    ...and what do you do with the finished product? Sandwiches? Other? Hey, post a pickling recipe if you are so inclined!
  13. The Hot Pepper

    favorite What's your favorite Louisiana-Style hot sauce?

    and... GO! 📷 credit
  14. The Hot Pepper

    The 6th Annual Secret Satan - NOT THIS YEAR SATAN - Gift Exchange

    What? Satan missed the holidays? But wait! There's still one more! 2024! (Disclaimer: Secret Satan is play on Secret Santa since we all love devilishly hot products. This year we are are little late hence the theme.) The 6th Annual Secret Satan - NOT THIS YEAR SATAN - Gift Exchange We can all...
  15. The Hot Pepper

    wanted Thai chili powder

    Interested in purchasing Thai chili powder. Orange Thai and all varieties. Thanks!
  16. The Hot Pepper

    contest Best Pepp-o'-lantern - October 2023 🌶🎃

    October's contest (to win an Extreme Membership or renewal) is Best Pepp-o'-lantern! 🎃 Rules are simple. Carve a 🌶 into a pepp-o'-lantern, illuminate it, and take a pic*. Boo! 👻 UPVOTE your favorite with the arrow. WINNER announced on Halloween! 🦇 *No old pics, new creations only.
  17. The Hot Pepper

    contest Gnarliest Pod! September 2023

    Who grew the Gnarliest Pod THIS SEASON? (2023) That bumpy, gnarled, nasty pod that promises instant regret? Post it! One pod per pic. One pic per post. On plant or harvested. Post pepper type and any additional info. Enter as many times as you want. gnarl·y /ˈnärlē/ adjective 1. gnarled...