Search results

  1. shoVel

    wanted Ancient user looking for fresh seeds

    Hey all! I joined this site many years ago and was a very avid user back in the day. I grew peppers for many years and sent my peppers and seeds all around the globe. I have a large seed stock but itโ€™s ancient.. my seeds date back to 2011 ๐Ÿ™.. anyhow.. I have been trying to resurrect some OG...
  2. shoVel

    issue Bell issues.

    Edited due to photo issues off site.
  3. shoVel

    WTT Fresh Pure Strain Naga Morich seeds for pods or pods for pods

    I have a two year old Naga Morich plant that I grew from seed from a source in Bangladesh. I want to trade about 40+ seeds for a few Super hot pods. (Or I could trade you the fresh Naga Pods for equal pods) I want regular Douglah, Butch T, TS Moruga, any CARDI, Yellow or Orange 7, Brain...
  4. shoVel

    free FREE Orange Hab & Gypsy seeds for SASBE

    Up for grabs is some free Orange Hab & Gypsy (sweet) seeds.. Maybe I'll throw in some surprise seeds too.. Send me a SASBE. PM me so I can make sure I have enough. First 10 gets em!
  5. shoVel

    wanted Seeds Wanted (Buy or Trade, Only isolated seed please)

    I'm looking for the following seeds 10 of each, seeds grown in isolation please. (I'll take seeds from possible non pure strains but would like isolated if possible) 7-Pot Barrackapore 7-Pot CARDI (Red & Yellow) 7-Pot Primo Yellow Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon Yellow Scorpion CARDI Crosses I...
  6. shoVel

    My Grow Log 2012

    Here is what survived a feral cat attack (they were pissing and crapping on them, using the pots as litter boxes) I solved that problem. :shh: Butch T Douglah BB (PRF) Yellow Scropion CARDI 7 Pod Jonah Naga Morich Orange 7 (PRF) Brain Strain (PRF) Moruga Scropion (Jim Duffy & Dilly's)...
  7. shoVel

    shade My plants thrive in the shade!

    I don't know why but I know first hand that in my area my plants thrive in the shade. Last year I grew lots of plants in pots and they were arranged in different areas of my property and noticed the ones not in direct sunlight shaded by a tree seem to grow very well. They had very dark green...
  8. shoVel

    overwintering Overwintered Bhut Jolokia, root's alive but won't re-sprout! Help!

    I was unsuccesful at overwintering a few plant's but one single Bhut Jolokia refuses to give up. The root ball is massive and clearly alive yet the stem is entirely dead so I pruned it to about an inch above the soil. I've been checking on it waiting to see if it either dies or comes back but...
  9. shoVel

    Air Layering/Marcotting

    Does or has anyone air layered their pepper plants? I've air layered other plants but never peppers and was wondering If they work well this way for clones.
  10. shoVel

    wanted WTBOT: 7-Pot Jonah & Butch T Scorpion Seeds (Pure)

    I want to buy or trade some Pure 7-Pot Jonah & Pure Butch T Scorpion seeds. I have pure strains of the following Chocolate Bhuts, Red Bhuts, Yellow Devils tongue, Mini 7-Pot very very very hot! And many possible open pollinated super hots..
  11. shoVel

    Where Can I Find Pepper Mash?

    I'm thinking of trying my hand in the hotsauce making realm and wanted to buy some pepper mash. I checked out Louisiana Pepper Exchange but no prices listed, awaiting return quote. They are near me so thats a huge plus, any other ideas? I want to start with a small qty at first. Thanks...
  12. shoVel

    My Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

    One of my nice Chocolate Bhut Jolokias.. Looks tasty doesn't it? :mouthonfire:
  13. shoVel

    Phorid Flies (Fire Ant Killing Flies)

    Well this morning I go to check on my plants and notice a nice sized fire ant mound near them in which I have no problem with them being there (maybe they will keep some pest away) anyways, I remembered I had a small amount of stale pistachios in my truck and decided to dump them on top the...
  14. shoVel

    wanted WANTED: Barrackapore and Cardi Seeds

    Looking for Barrackapore & Cardi seeds. Also I would like any of the top shelf strains for next years grow. Thanks!
  15. shoVel

    wanted WTB Bulk Bhut & Scorpion Seeds

    I'm looking for Bulk Bhut Jolokia (Choc & Red), Trin Scorpion & Naga Morich Seeds.. Open Pollinated is fine. Any ideas? Maybe 1/4+ of each. Thanks.
  16. shoVel

    What are the holes in my pods?

    Some of my peppers have a single small round hole about the size of a toothpick, when I cut the open the seeds and placenta have a brownish rotten look. I don't find any bugs or worms.. Any ideas and a solution? Thanks.
  17. shoVel

    Grow Light Recommendations?

    I have a light ballast by GLO or Power-Glo that takes 34"/85cm bulbs, I'm a complete novice when it comes to grow lights so excuse my basic knowledge on the topic. I'm assuming the ballast is primarily for an aquarium but I'm sure it could be used as a fairly decent grow light. My question is...
  18. shoVel

    breeding Crossing Peppers

    Since I have such a wide array of seeds started this year I'm thinking of crossing a few to see what I get.. What do you think of these crosses? Fatali X Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia Chocolate X Yellow Devils Tongue Trin Scorp Butch T X Yellow Scorpion Cardi Naga Morich X Yellow Devils...
  19. shoVel

    Bonnies World Hottest?

    I Bought some (all they had) Habaneros from my local Home Depot they are Bonnies "Worlds Hottest" anyone know the exact type? I actually called Bonnies Plant farm in Alabama and spoke with a guy named Jamie and he didn't have a clue.. He said to call back because he needed to ask another guy.. I...
  20. shoVel

    seeds-germination Custom Germination Heat Pad

    I just bought a custom germination heat pad from ebay the size is: Width:17 inch x 4 feet length (W/Rheostat/Dimmer). Anyone familiar with these? If so what do you think of them? (I havent received it yet so...