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  1. azguy

    Monsanto Protection Act    
  2. azguy

    New Habanero-Type Pepper Introduced      
  3. azguy

    Pollution Suit Puts Chill on Popular Hot Sauce Sriracha
  4. azguy

    Grocery Store Dried Chiltepin

    I had read that grocery store Chiltepins are air dried. Being I have several bags, just thought I would try to see if they would germinate.  Has anyone tried this and if so with what success?  Thanks   
  5. azguy

    wanted Looking for Bhut Jolokia Seeds

    I am in search of Bhut Jolokia seeds. I was hoping to have plenty of pods available for seed this year but lost my only plant a few months ago.  Any information that you have would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks Dan 
  6. azguy

    Need I.D. help

    Can someone help me I.D. some pods that I just received? In the first photo please ignore the upper right and bottom left those turned out to be sweet peppers. Thanks                     
  7. azguy


    Anyone growing Jalabaneros this year? I have four plants I started from seeds that I received from AZpepperGirl last year. Liking the heat level and taste these are turning out to be a real favorite.  With them being F4's the pods do vary quite a bit between all four plants, but the taste and...
  8. azguy

    Not a Chocolate Bhut

    The pod on the left are from seeds that were given to me by a member last year. Suppose to be a Chocolate Bhut which its not. Any ideas on what this may be? Pod on the right is a Red Hab?  Thanks         http://        
  9. azguy

    Trinidad Perfume

    Does anyone have experience growing Trinidad Perfume? Also any suggestions of vendors that may have seeds in stock? Thanks
  10. azguy

    chinense Massive Habaneros

    Last December I answered SASE seed ad from mjdiamond83 titled Massive Habaneros. These were some large Red Habs from a market. They turned out to be a wonderful variety this year with most of the pods coming at two inches or over. Also out of the two plants I am growing both have produced around...
  11. azguy

    Market I.D. ??

    At a market today I found a variety of hots. I have them all identified except the peach colored on the upper right (there is also a closeup photo). Any ideas? Thanks
  12. azguy

    flavor Aji Brain taste

    Pulled the ripest pod off the Aji Brain cross today. As soon as I split it you could smell a very pleasant citrus odor. Pulled the seeds with 10 in total and tasted half the pod. It had an interesting fruity/citrus flavor that I have not tasted before. Different than the Aji Limons I am growing...
  13. azguy

    Orange, Hab or Scotch Bonnet

    I was given a few pods and thought they looked a little different than the typical store bought orange Habs. Just wondering if they may be Orange Scotch Bonnets?
  14. azguy

    Who or what am I

    Received the seeds from someone on the board last year and they were labeled Brain Strain. These photos show the two most mature pods (on same plant ) and they are definitely not what I thought. Maybe an Aji Limon/ Brain or Bhut cross? Both are a little over two inches long with one starting to...
  15. azguy

    seeds-germination HP22B Germination ??

    I have had ten HP22B seeds sitting in Peat Pellets for two weeks now with no signs of germination. the longest I have had seeds take to germinate were my bhuts and Butch T's which both took right around two weeks. Just wondering what success other people are having. Thanks
  16. azguy

    wanted Jalabanero Seeds Wanted

    Hello, I am in search of a few Jalabanero seeds. Does anyone have any for sale or trade? Any information that you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  17. azguy

    Anyone growing Cyklon

    Hi, Does anyone have experience growing Ckylon? Wondering how productive they are and what can the heat be compared to. Some websites say their mild/medium and then some say hot. The only thing they seem agree on is that its a variety from Poland. Thanks
  18. azguy

    Cola De Gallo

    Has anyone ever heard of the pepper in this You Tube video? The guy calls it a Cola de Gallo (I am sure I have it spelled wrong). I can not find any information on this variety other than his video, wondering if it may go by another name. Thanks...
  19. azguy

    Maya Habanero ??

    Hi Has anyone grown Maya Habaneros? I am wondering how well they produce and also how they are on heat and taste. Any information that you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Dan
  20. azguy

    Pepper ID ??

    Hello, The other day I picked up an ornamental pepper at a Home Depot in Tucson AZ, I am having a hard time trying to identify it. Pods are larger than a Thai Sun Pepper but around the same heat range. Leaves grow in close clusters and the pods point straight up. I tried looking up the info on...