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    Seafood Festival in St Augustine, FL

    Anyone been to it or going this weekend? Thinking about taking the family down and would like some insider opinions if there are any to be had.Thanks in advance.
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    In ground garden suggestions

    So I finally have a back yard big enough to do an in ground garden this year, along with my standard veggies I want to do a fairly large pepper planting and have dedicated about 150 square feet for peppers. my main questions are how many plants should I be able to fit in that space, and what are...
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    free Free with SASBE

    What I believe to be NM red bought in Hatch, NM and have a ton of seeds from sun dried peppers free to all who want to send a SASBE, I'll do about 20 seed per. Send PM if interested.
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    Too late to start in S GA?

    Finally got settled in S Georgia and was wondering if it was too late to start from seed? It would be nice to have my own peppers even if they don't start to produce till early fall. What do all the experts here think?
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    any ideas?

    I picked up a bunch of dried peppers on my way through Hatch, NM and not sure what they are 100_4587 by Sr. Beaver, on Flickr 100_4589 by Sr. Beaver, on Flickr
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    New Chillihead in the Fam!

    After a rough last few months I am proud to say I have a new chillihead in the Fam! Devyn Michael came to us @ 225am 01May2012 weighing in at 9lbs 8oz and 19.5in.
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    wanted Looking to buy seeds

    I'm looking to expand my pepper selection for next year, right now I have just a few NM Big Jim, Golden Cayenne, Red Cayenne, Red Chilli, Caribbean Red, Jalapenos, Orange Hab, Yucatan White Hab, Bhut Jolokia and around 2 dozen see what they are once they start producing. I'm not picky as I like...
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    Sauce reviews?

    I have a couple sauces that I have made and am looking for no sh!t honest opinions on them. No thin skin here, just want to know what the experts think. I will have about 3 or 4 1.7oz bottles of each for y'all to try. I have a smoked hab, papaya hab, smoked jalapeno, and a sweet jalapeno. I'm...
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    drying-smoking Using dried peppers for sauces?

    I am wanting to get some Hatch peppers(Hatch, NM) but it is not the time to be able to get fresh ones, would it be possible to order some dried ones and use them in a sauce? I'm still pretty new to making sauces and have only used what I have grown so far. Thanks in advance for any input.
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    fermenting First fermented sauce attempt

    Well as the title says I started my first attempt at a fermented sauce today, this is waht I started with 1 lb Jalapenos 5 large carrots 5 stalks celery shredded all mixed 3 Tbls pickiling salt, put in jars with lids loose to let gases to escape. anything I should have done different or...
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    First go at making a hot sauce

    After poking around in here and other places around the good ole interweb I decided to try my had at making a hot sauce. I decided I wanted a sweet hot so I got some ideas from a few different recipes I saw and went to the kitchen. So with an idea of where I wanted to end up as far as flavor and...
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    Hello From Southern GA

    Just a little about me. This year is my first growing my own hot peppers, to start off I went with Cayenne and White Habanero. With some success the Habaneros are producing lots of peppers but they are very small, nothing over 1/2 inch long, Cayennes have done very well harvested around 30...