Search results

  1. Scarlet Fire

    Scarlet Fire's pepper powder (updated list - 3oz remaining)

    Hey folks, it's been a while since I've been very active on here, due to our new little one who will be 5 months old this week. But I am still planning to do a decent size hobby grow this year (31 plants and counting at the moment). So, to make room in the cupboard and scrounge a few bucks for...
  2. Scarlet Fire

    for-sale End of Season Powder Sale (7oz total)

    I've got all my final harvests dried and weighed. Not everything listed here has been ground yet, but I can make whatever is ordered quickly and get it sent out ASAP. Everything here was organically grown, dehydrated, weighed, and powdered by myself. I will update this list as bags get ordered...
  3. Scarlet Fire

    $14 SFRB *SOLD*

    Lots of color and heat variation here. I only expect maybe one more good harvest this year before I start overwintering. These were harvested an hour ago $14 and it goes out in the morning Tuesday morning. It will be jam packed.   U.S. only, PayPal only, post here then PM me for PayPal info   3...
  4. Scarlet Fire

    auction Auction - 1/4lb of pepper powder! *closed*

    As the title says, this auction is for 1/4lb of chili powder. Each bag pictured below contains .5oz (14g) of powder. All 8 of these were organically grown, dehydrated, ground, and weighed by me personally. I consider about half of these superhots, while the others range from mild to high heat...
  5. Scarlet Fire

    $15 SFRB *closed*

    Just harvested for the week and ended up with extras of both of these types. Billy Boy Red Douglah is more elongated than the chocolate Douglah, but has a good red flavor and tons of heat. Spicy Mustard Habaneros are very large for habs, one of my favorite hab flavors and heat is a little above...
  6. Scarlet Fire

    2 SFRB's mixed superhots *CLOSED*

    Just harvested these. Pretty good variety with lots of heat. Each box has 25 pods and I'll include a bag of powder of your choice: Fatalii, Black Naga, or Yellow Brain Strain.   $16 each or take the pair for $30.   PayPal only, U.S. only, first come first serve. Ships Monday 9/9/13.   Box 1: 13...
  7. Scarlet Fire

    auction SFRB auction *SOLD!*

    This box contains 12 varieties, totaling 34 pods just harvested an hour ago. I'll have to summon the force to fit all of these into a SFRB, but what you see is what you'll get. :party: :party: :party:   U.S. only, PayPal only. Raise the bid in whole dollar increments, winner must pay before...
  8. Scarlet Fire

    auction SFRB auction *SOLD*

    Just harvested these less than an hr ago. Nice assortment here, with a wide range of heat levels. This box will ship in the morning to the winner.   U.S. only, PayPal only, pay before shipping. Raise bid in whole dollar increments (no change).   Bidding ends TONIGHT (Sunday 8/25) at 10pm...
  9. Scarlet Fire

    Do your Brain Strains ever have "Primo"-esque tails?

    I have one Yellow Brain Strain plant this year, which has produced a first round of pods that were spot on in appearance, taste, and heat. Now the next flush of pods is mid-size, and this week I noticed that at least half of them have stingers. Like, if my Reaper plant produced pods that looked...
  10. Scarlet Fire

    Mixed SFRB $18 CLOSED

    Just harvested these guys about a half hour ago. This will be my last SFRB for at least a week or two. $18 takes the box, and it needs to be claimed by about 3pm or so today because I work 6am-6pm the next 3 days.   U.S. only, PayPal only, must pay before this box ships   8 Bhut Jolokia 3 Billy...
  11. Scarlet Fire

    *CLOSED* 1oz/$10 assorted powders

    Just made a few new powders, and more on the way. Got a bit extra of these 2. 1/2oz of Billy Boy Red Douglah and 1/2oz of Spicy Mustard Hab, all organic straight from my garden. $14 $10 via PayPal, shipping included. Post here with interest. PM to inquire about other varieties coming up.  
  12. Scarlet Fire

    SFRB mixed fresh pods $18 *SOLD*

    30 pods harvested an hour ago. First to respond with $18 gets these out in the morning. This round of Black Nagas have a Chocolate Habanero shape for some reason but they're from the same 2 plants I've been harvesting all year so no worries.   U.S. only, PayPal only, must pay before this box...
  13. Scarlet Fire

    food Dehydrator packed to the brim with 2.3lbs of pods!

    We're moving this week on top of working 12-hour shifts, so to make the best of the off time we have to pack up, I loaded up my dehydrator at my dad's today with all I could possibly fit. It's running overnight in the garage space where I run my growlight in the winter. Next week, I'll get to...
  14. Scarlet Fire

    Mixed SFRB $18 *Sold*

    My family is moving in 10 days, and I have absolutely no freezer space left for peppers until we do. I'm asking $18 for this box harvested this afternoon.   U.S. only, PayPal only, pay before shipping. This box is ready to go out first thing in the morning.   10 Fatalii 4 Billy Boy Red Douglah...
  15. Scarlet Fire

    food Tiny peppers in dehydrator?

    I've got a couple hundred Yellow Biquinho peppers stored up in the freezer amongst all the other pods, and I need to dry as many of my peppers as possible before I move my family across town at the end of the month. These aren't as small as tepins, about 1/4'' wide and 1/2'' long on average, but...
  16. Scarlet Fire

    *SOLD* Mixed SFRB of superhots

    I got a little more than I expected at harvest today, so I'm auctioning off this assortment of pods.   U.S. only, PayPal only, must pay before they ship. Bids must be in $1 increments. This box is ready to go first thing in the morning.   Left to right: 7 Pot Jonah, Yellow Brain Strain...
  17. Scarlet Fire

    for-sale 2oz various powders for sale *closed*

    Powder time has begun, so I thought I'd offer an early taste of this year's varieties. I'm asking $25 (shipping included, paypal only) for a half oz each of 4 powders, totalling 2oz. Included are Spicy Mustard Habanero, Black Naga, Fatalii, and Bhut Jolokia left over from last year's harvest...
  18. Scarlet Fire

    wanted Looking for Big Sun and Giant White Hab seeds

    I have almost everything I'm trying to grow for next year, but I'm still in search of Big Sun Habanero and Giant White Habanero. I know these are available for sale, but I figured I would try to arrange a trade before purchasing. Check my profile for my trade list. It's not 100% current, so I...
  19. Scarlet Fire

    What's eating my pods?

    Went to go feed my plants today and found these damaged CGN 21500 pods on both of my plants. Most of my plants have yellowing lower leaves with some brown spotting on the edges, but that wasn't too surprising as I hadn't fertilized in 2 weeks. I couldn't find my spray bottle to apply neem oil...
  20. Scarlet Fire

    overwintering Re-vegging my overwinters

    So I'm about to return home to GA this weekend after 6 weeks away, and it sounds like my grow is holding up decently. I've got 16 young plants crowded under the ol' 400w MH, and 6 good-sized overwinters downstairs in the regular garage space. My question is how should I go about re-introducing...