Search results

  1. bigbodybussey

    soil-media Excess Salt in soil - treatment?

    Hey guys, So, I grow in containers every year and reuse potting soil with new amendments added each year. I only give the plants fish emulsion and AACT throughout each season, but question residual salts left in the soil after reusing for several years. I thought about buying a salinity...
  2. bigbodybussey

    Neil S Scorpion - Anyone grown/growing?

    Hey guys, haven't been on in a while.   Just wondering if anyone has grown the "Neil S Scorpion" from the Hippy Seed Company?  They state they haven't had any pepper hotter than it yet (and they eat everything they grow) - wanted to see if anyone has grown and tried these. 
  3. bigbodybussey

    seeds-germination Hybrid Seeds

    Does anyone know of any sites where hybrid seeds/crosses are available. The only one I know of is junglerain. Any suggestions?
  4. bigbodybussey

    BigBodyBussey's GLOG, uh, well, sort of...

    This will really be more of a showcase of photos from throughout my grow season this year. I wasn't a member of this site when I started this year and obviously didn't have the intention to create any sort of GLOG. So...I'll start by posting the oldest photos from this year and work my way to...
  5. bigbodybussey

    Bonide Garden Dust Question

    I have some of this stuff on hand but do not have a powder spreader or duster etc. - so my question is, "can this dust be added to water and a wetting agent and sprayed via a sprayer?". If so, anyone know how much to use? I've seen similar wettable powders recommend 1 tablespoon per...
  6. bigbodybussey

    recipe-help Looking for a Datil <<firehouse subs>> copycat recipe

    Hi guys, I just procured my first Datil peppers and really want to make a sauce similar to Captain Sorensen's Datil pepper sauce found at Firehouse subs. I have tried Google and keep coming up with relish recipes and other results I am not looking for. Does anyone have a recipe they wish to...
  7. bigbodybussey

    yield-harvest Just some harvest porn...

    Made my run to the garden today...enjoy. - these two didn't even mind that I watched, :dance: All of the peppers on the right are Caribbean Red Habby's Bird's eye and thai sun's in a pile, above are El Tio, and to the right a Jalapeno hybrid Thai Top left orange habby, below are Globe...
  8. bigbodybussey

    disease-pests Pest/bacterial leaf spot guidance

    I made some initial posts a few weeks ago about my peppers showing signs of bacterial leaf I removed the leaves and sprayed twice with hydrogen peroxide spray and followed with aact foliar sprays. All was well for a while until the prior tropical storm rains which humidified everything...
  9. bigbodybussey

    Looking for: hot sauce recipe made with orange crush soda

    I did a search on here and didn't really find a recipe so I googled it and got tired of looking through trash..., but does anyone know of, or has made a hot sauce using orange crush soda? This won't be a sauce I'm goin to sell or pasteurize (maybe) - I just have a large amount of Caribbean red...
  10. bigbodybussey

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    Introduction: Although I am new to this method of gardening, I have gathered some useful information and tips in regards to those wanting to start their own compost tea brewing. AACT or actively aerobic compost tea is when, you, as the gardener, replicate the benifical microbes that plants...
  11. bigbodybussey

    Hydrogen Peroxide Spray Question

    It has been extremely wet and humid around here the last week and half or so and I have these spots exploding around the leaves of my bird's eye pepper and thai I read elsewhere in other posts that some people spray down the foliage of their plants with a hydrogen peroxide solution to...
  12. bigbodybussey

    favorite Favorite Photos of your garden

    Figured this could be a good way to see other people's hard work, favorite photo's, and a shared love for our hobby... This guy took care of my bhut's last year One of my favorite peppers, bird's eye Thai Sun/Black Pearl cross First harvest this year : )
  13. bigbodybussey

    disease-pests HELP! PEST ATTACK!

    Since this last few weeks of rain showers I had started seeing a few of these grasshoppers...well the last three days, when I walk across our yard, I literally step on one every third step....hadn't really seen any around the peppers until I went to fertilize today.... the fat one had eaten an...
  14. bigbodybussey

    Wanting to try hydro-growing.

    I really want to try hydroponic growing, but I do not want to invest a great deal of money into it without having some beginners practice and gaining more knowledge. We have a store nearby that carries hydroponic supplies, so I have some local availability. I have looked at some DIY systems...
  15. bigbodybussey

    Random Grow Questions...

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the site and am extremely impressed by all of the information that I have found. I am not new to growing peppers, however, like in everything there is always room for improvement. Here are a couple of random questions that I have... Is bone meal the ideal thing to...