Search results

  1. Buzzman19

    Selling Excess Powders

    Superhot Pepper Powder  $6 per ounce   I have an excess of powder leftover from last season. I would like to sell some off, I am asking $6 oz plus shipping. Small orders 1-2 oz are shipped in 4x7 bubble mailers. Medium orders 3-5 oz are shipped in 6x9 bubble mailers. Large orders 6oz or more...
  2. Buzzman19

    color 7 Pot x Red Congo F1

    This is my first crack at making a cross, its not the gnarliest looking or whatever but she is pretty to me.  I made this cross with a taste in mind, its has a smooth fruityness and a tiny hint of the smokiness brought on by the Red Congo.  The heat I would estimate right around 1 - 1.1mil SHU. ...
  3. Buzzman19

    Maris Biber maybe?

    I git these seeds and they were marked as something else.  As near as I can figure from taste, heat and size they are Maras Biber.  Can anyone confirm?       
  4. Buzzman19

    Datil Pepper ... Yes or No?

    I was sent seeds for Datil peppers, I am aware that there is more than one type of Datil so I say this.... Is this a Datil pepper type?  It sets dozens of peppers at a time on the plant and they dont get very big, this is a really well producing compact plant.  It really surprises me how many...
  5. Buzzman19

    Aji Type?

    Seeds were gifted me and marked Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion.    Its a mild to Medium heat pepper, plant is a big bushy Aji type looks to me.  Pods are crunchy and firm with a bit of sweetness.     
  6. Buzzman19

    Any Ideas on this?

    Well these seeds were labeled Jays Red Ghost Scorpion but not even in same hemisphere, lol.              It would be great to get an idea, I had thought that these may be Aji Mango but the color doesnt look quite right?    Thx for any ideas!
  7. Buzzman19

    plant-i.d. Plant-Pepper ID

    Seeds were labeled Jays Red Ghost Scorpion, and they are far from a Chinense.  I ate one and they have very low heat, lower than Jalapeno!                  After researching I think they are Aji Mango peppers?  What does everyone think, I'm sure when they ripen I'll have a better idea though! 
  8. Buzzman19

    Mystery pepper

    I need help Identifying these two peppers.  When I planted the seeds they were marked Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.  Obviously neither peppers was chocolate.  lol   The long skinny peppers are turning white, I havent picked one yet to taste, so no idea on that yet.   I planted these two plants...
  9. Buzzman19

    Pepper I.D

    I have a pepper to indentify, I know its not ripe yet but they look pretty different so I thought they may be easily identifiable.    The pepper has a much lighter green color than most normal peppers I grow.  When I have a pepper ripen I will post a followup, thx. 
  10. Buzzman19

    Coconut Curry Peanut Hot Sauce

    This is my take on a simple Satay sauce.  This sauce can be used as a dipping sauce, hot sauce, or would even be wonderful as a marinade.  Its a very rich savory sauce!  Its very good on chicken and fish.  I havent tried it on red meat yet.        Ingredients 1 can coconut milk (lowfat) 3...
  11. Buzzman19

    Burpee Seeds

    Really ticked off today, I bought a pack of "Burpee" Tequila Sunrise pepper seeds and they are Bell peppers.  oh well, maybe next year on the Tequila if I can find true seeds.   Just goes to show big seed suppliers can make foul mistakes also.      At least my Bulgarian Carrot peppers are...
  12. Buzzman19

    plant-i.d. Mystery Chili Plant I.D.

    I got these seeds as a gift and they were marked mystery, looks like the pods are gonna be monstrous whatever it is.  Any help identifying these two plants would be awesome, thx.               
  13. Buzzman19

    Hybrid Cross hunting

    Has anyone crossed a Yellow Bhut with a Paper Lantern Habanero?  I would be interested in growing this type of cross next year      the search begins
  14. Buzzman19

    other-condiments Roasted Pineapple Habanero Salsa (Knockoff)

          This is not my recipe but I use it quite frequently, I am including the link below where I obtained the recipe.  The recipe in my opinion uses to much sugar, when I make this salsa I scale back the sugar to 1 cup and I use raw Organic sugar.   For those people who will try the recipe...
  15. Buzzman19

    Hello from Ohio

    New to the forum, Currently reside in the greater Columbus, Ohio area and I like growing hot peppers.  Until this growing season I have never grown a Superhot, I have always grown Mild to Habanero heat peppers.    Wish me luck and nice to meet you all. 
  16. Buzzman19

    Peppers to Identify

      These are chili I purchased at a local African market, I have since germinated two of the chili's.  I know there was a question of ripeness someone had at another FB page, they germinated very easily so I assume they were ripe.    I know the large chili someone identified as mostly a large...