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  1. MissGreenJeans

    Cranberry Pinaple Mango Sauce

    I'm curious about how well your pineapple ferment is going. I recently started a pineapple, carrot, Fatalii mash and it does not seem to be fermenting (no bubbles in the mash after many days). pH is at 4 as of today. I usually see bubbles in my mashes within a few days. I've added a lacto...
  2. MissGreenJeans

    Heirloom Hot Lemon Pepper from Ecuador?

    Redeemer, plant plenty. I planted 12 pots with three seeds each and had only three plants from the batch. Those three did grow quite successfully. But they took their sweet time to produce pods. When they started producing, however they were quite fruitful.
  3. MissGreenJeans

    Heirloom Hot Lemon Pepper from Ecuador?

    Many thanks to Scuba Steve and BurningColon for the plant ID input. With the info you shared I was able to do some more research. I think its a Fatalii, based on descriptions of growth habit.
  4. MissGreenJeans

    Heirloom Hot Lemon Pepper from Ecuador?

    I'm wondering if anyone has grown a similar pepper as this (pictured). I bought the seeds on a whim this spring (Burpee), the package called it a Hot Lemon Heirloom pepper from the markets of Ecuador. The fruit did not turn out looking like the package (mine are shorter and more creased). It's a...
  5. MissGreenJeans

    fermenting New Fermentor in the house! Hahaha

    Another source of lacto starter is the Wyeast brand. I get mine from the local beer brewing store. I use 1/2 package of the lacto for each gallon of mash. I usually have a lot of bubbling activity within 24 hours. Swirling the mash to get it below the surface each day is a ritual of mine. I use...
  6. MissGreenJeans

    fermenting Smoked Chipotle ok to ferment?

    I have about a pound of red Jalapenos that just came off my plants and was thinking of smoking them before putting them into a ferment. I've not put cooked stuff into a mash before, will it still ferment? I usually add garlic, onions and some carrot to add some natural sugars and flavor. 