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fermenting New Fermentor in the house! Hahaha

Hey everyone!
I have gallon baggies of frozen pods and some still fresh from this year.
I have a one gallon carboy and the pressure lid. Anyone have any tips and what not?
I know the basics and have gathered a lot from all the posts here. One question I do have, I read you can take the liquid that sits on top of sour cream to start the ferment! Is that true?
Any general guidance and talking is welcome:D
Another source of lacto starter is the Wyeast brand. I get mine from the local beer brewing store. I use 1/2 package of the lacto for each gallon of mash. I usually have a lot of bubbling activity within 24 hours. Swirling the mash to get it below the surface each day is a ritual of mine. I use this as a way to keep tabs on the mash. 
Not to hijack the thread, but...
Only lacto b starter I could come up with was some probiotic stuff the doctor prescribed for my son while he was on antibiotics. I've already started a ferment with it, but want to start another couple of ferments without waiting to see what the results are like. So, I'm hoping someone can comment on whether or not this ingredient list looks right: powdered vegetable creamer, dextrose, L. acidophilus 4.7x10(to the 7th) cfu/g, B. longum 1.3x10(to the 7th) cfu/g, S. thermophilus, concentrated milk minerals (perhaps a bad translation), vitamin C, Vitamin B1/B2/B6, Niacin, Zinc oxide.
The stuff I have going has only been on for two days, planning to let it go for a month. There is growth... still a bit worried about making a bunch of different mixes and discovering they are all bad. You guys reckon this stuff will work?
Best of luck to the OP's ferment!
Edit: have just noticed that the OP's ferment would now be over a year old... Zombie thread!