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  1. J

    preservation Ph of non vinegar sauce is 3.5, kinda blows me away

    Been making fermented hot sauces for a couple of years, process has always been the same Recently got a ph meter to take my sauce to the next level. Blended up two sauces today, checked the ph and they both read 3.5 I ferment for about a week in a kimchi container and use a 3.5% pickling...
  2. J

    pH Shelf stable sauce and pH meter questions

    I want my sauces to last a while and want them to be stable enough to sit out of the fridge. To do that do I just need the ph to be at 4 or less? I bought and received my first pH meter to do just that. I dissolved the buffer solution labeled pH 4.01 in 250 ml of water. Water was 75 degrees f...
  3. J

    1st time seeing fresh super hots, I need recipe ideas please

    Was at a grocery store yesterday and saw fresh ghost, scorpion, and scotch bonnets. I later learned bonnets are like habs but it's not something I've seen before. Each container was 2 oz while the bonnets are 4 oz. Habs were on sale too so I bought a bunch of those I need recipe ideas please. I...
  4. J

    fermenting Have I been fermenting peppers incorrectl?

    Just read the sticky post and I wonder if I should change my process. Been making hot sauce the following way for years now and haven't had an issue, curious if I can get a better sauce by following the posted process I use an ejen container with the vacuum lid. I de-stem peppers, chop in half...
  5. J

    How long until my sauce goes bad? process inside

    Hi, New to this site, so far loving it. Been making hot sauce from fermented peppers since October. I don't pasteurize it, just blend it up straight from the fermenter then place it in the fridge afterwards. Seems like my sauces last a while in the fridge but recently I started fermenting and...