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  1. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    You take you mash's surfing? Now that's dedication!!
  2. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    I know someone with a red current bush so I think I might see if I can give that a try. Do you keep the heat turned on 24/7 until a certain time has passed or does the fermentation just stop? Does letting it go too long cause any rot in the mash? Looking forward to getting my mat, well it's...
  3. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Ah ok sorry John. I did wonder about cabbages properties in that respect, I've read accounts of people having "failed" ferments, probaby similar to my own experiences, who have added some kimchi juice and the ferment has bubbled away nicely thereafter. I think I might make some kimchi.
  4. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    This wasn't to aid in the submersion of veg or a mash it was purely added due to its high lacto bacterial properties
  5. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Just seen something very interesting on TV regarding fermentation. A Sweedish guy was fermenting vegetables and added the leaves from a red current plant because they are very high in laco' bacteria. Anyone tried this or any other high lacto plants to aid fermentation?
  6. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    So they had to order the heat mat from another store but in the mean time I decided to make another cheeky little mash in anticipation of my heat mat coming later in the week 250g Joes Long 50g Ring of Fire 100g sweet Romano pepper 2 large garlic cloves 8g Kosher salt All blended together and...
  7. C

    Making hot sauce with frozen pods

    This is really interesting, I grow my peppers on a windowsill, all be it a bloody big one, so I have peppers ripening but only in small amounts. I'll srart freezing ones I want for sauces now. Thanks. This site is great.
  8. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Brilliant, it's on special offer so pretty good value. that's tomorrow's task sorted out!!
  9. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Found a little heated seed tray at a local hardware store but it'll only heat to 74F. Is that enough?
  10. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Yes that's very true, a water bath might kick start the process but certainly wouldn't prolong any fermentation when the mash gets back to room temperature. I think I might invest in one, already been looking on Amazon. I think I might have caught the fermentation bug.
  11. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Those mats are a great idea. Wonder if a hot water bath would do the job if the ambient temp is a bit low.
  12. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Hi. Sorry for the late reply had a nightmare trying to select the url's, sorted now though. This is the Fresno mash, started on the 14th September Paper Lantern mash started 14th September Unknown variety mash started 18th September Thank you all very much for the replies. It...
  13. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Struggling to work out how to post pictures! I'm on an iPad.
  14. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Hey, thank for the reply, John. So it looks like the Fresno ferment is going but oh so slowly but still nothing with the Paper Lanterns really. I'll try and take some pics tomorrow and post them here. I think I'll throw in the towel with the Paper Lanterns and make a garlic, chili and ginger...
  15. C

    fermenting First ferment questions

    Hello everyone, I posted this question/preamble in the Fermentation 101 "pinned" thread but thought it might merit a thread of its own. this is my first post on the site and I'm looking for a little guidance and reassurance. Found some great information in this thread and wish I had come...
  16. C

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    Hello everyone this is my first post on the site and I'm looking for a little guidance and reassurance. Found some great information in this thread and wish I had come across this web site before embarking on my fermentation experiments. A little background info, I live in the UK and this year...