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  1. Odysseus

    spray for spider mites?

    My pepper plants have been doing well, but I noticed a couple red spider mites today and also a few young leafs have very, very small white spots that I was able to wipe off with my finger.  I don't know what kind of bugs those would have been, but I want to get rid of anything that shouldn't be...
  2. Odysseus

    How long to keep pinching buds?

    Ok good, I'll just let them do their thing.
  3. Odysseus

    How long to keep pinching buds?

    Since these are the only 3 plants I'm growing until the "boss" lets me have more gardening funds this fall, I'm going to keep pinching buds until the plants are much larger.     Aji Omnicolor     Lemon Drop     Fresno
  4. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    Thanks for the tips!  After up potting them into 5 gallon buckets using Garden Magic potting soil recommended by a local nursery, they stabilized and rebounded.
  5. Odysseus

    DIY LED advice needed

    Thanks! When you order your COBs, I'd recommend going with the Vero 29s instead of the Cree CXBs. This driver will only drive 3 Vero 29s while it will drive 4 CXBs, however, the Veros have a flat aluminum back that can be mounted directly to the heat sink (with a little thermoconductive...
  6. Odysseus

    How long to keep pinching buds?

    I'm growing indoors and my peppers are really coming along nicely now. Lemon drop is 12.5" tall and very bushy; Aji omnicolor is 8.5" tall and bushy; Fresno is 12". They are putting off buds for 2 weeks and I've been pinching them off. The plants continue to grow taller and put out more...
  7. Odysseus

    DIY LED advice needed

    Almost exactly $200.
  8. Odysseus

    DIY LED advice needed

    I ended up building a DIY LED setup using Vero 29 4000Ks.  I mentioned it in another thread, but since you guys are comparing HPS to MH to commercial LED panels to DIY LED panels and what not, I figure it's relevent to the conversation to post it here:   LEDs:  2 Vero 29 4000K Driver:  Meanwell...
  9. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    No, it was some local bagged brand (don't remember the name) sold at the nursery. The bag said it had composted chicken and livestock manure, shredded wood scrap, and apparently some stuff from the landfill. I will not be using it again.
  10. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    Today  :tear:
  11. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    Maybe I should recap.  The devil is in the details, maybe one of you veterans can spot the problem(s).   April 7 -Seedlings arrived from Cross Country Nurseries in good condition.  Kept in the house from day one (67-72 F). April 8 -Put on East-facing windowsill.  They got ~2 hours direct morning...
  12. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    All the bottom leaves turned yellow and eventually fell off. Younger leaves are starting to yellow around the edges. I don't know what to do and nobody seems to have any insight to offer, so I guess I just have to watch them die.
  13. Odysseus

    Recommendations for a Noob

    I would have never thought it possible to keep a single basket of lump going half that long!  As far as getting minimal exposure to smoke, I could see where that'd be perfect for certain delicate types of meat like trout where you don't want the smoke to overpower the flavor of the meat.
  14. Odysseus

    Recommendations for a Noob

    As far as the OP's initial post and wanting some advice for a good setup for a beginner with minimal grilling skills wanting to get into smoking meats, I'd give the following advice:  Get an offset-firebox smoker/grill (a "Texas style" smoker).  This is what I got when I was in your shoes about...
  15. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    Update: they are really going downhill fast; someone please help! Yesterday morning, the large lower leaves had turned yellow at the edges while the new leaves at the top were still green (although heavily curled). The soil was dry. Throughout the day, the large lower leaves continued to...
  16. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    No one?  Maybe it's because they weren't ready for the high intensity light?
  17. Odysseus

    Leaves and stems curling down

    The leaves on my plants had started curling up around the edges which turned out to be poorly draining wet soil as discussed in a previous thread: I finished building a grow light and put them under it.  I then...
  18. Odysseus

    seeds New seedlings just arrived -what soil mix??

    Seems I have some things to figure out. At least I have some time before they start to crowd each other.
  19. Odysseus

    seeds New seedlings just arrived -what soil mix??

    I am indeed working on an array of mirrored panels. The plan is to build a plywood grow cabinet and line the walls, ceiling, and floor with foil. If everything I've read is accurate, to fruit hot peppers you need a minimum DLI of 20-22 up to a maximum of 28. They also apparently do best under...
  20. Odysseus

    seeds New seedlings just arrived -what soil mix??

    Finally got my light built.  2 Vero 29 4000K LEDs, a Meanwell HLG-185h-c1400b driver, and 19" of HeatsinkUSA's 4.6"-profile heatsink.   Even mirror polished the underside of the heatsink.   I tried to take pictures of the light on, but it's so bright I can't really get a decent picture of it...