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  1. M

    plant labeling

    I love the window blind idea.  Not a clue where I could get some from but I'll remember it just in case.   My method is similar to Paul G above although I use slim plastic labels.  I write on tape with an oil-based marker pen because I have found sharpies to fade; also, writing directly on the...
  2. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

    Updated germination list:   Annuum: Aleppo Goatsweed Uchu Cream   Chinense: Habanero Chocolate Ivory Coast 2 Purple Peach (CGN21500) BBG White BBG Caramel BBG Chocolate Elongated BBG Orange Aribibi Gusano   Baccatum: Aji Omnicolour Volcan de Teneguia   Pubescens: Rocoto La Paz Rojo Rocoto...
  3. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

    Germinated so far:   Annuum: Aleppo Chinense: Habanero Chocolate Ivory Coast 2 Purple Peach (CGN21500) BBG White BBG Caramel BBG Chocolate Elongated BBG Orange Baccatum: Aji Omnicolour Volcan de Teneguia Pubescens: Rocoto La Paz Rojo Rocoto Manzano Disappointed that Sugar Rush Peach...
  4. M

    seeds First from-the-seed year - some questions

      That's useful to know.
  5. M

    seeds First from-the-seed year - some questions

    Everyone has their own way of doing things but I don't seem to get good germination from planting the seeds straight into seed compost (or "dirt" as you people over the pond probably call it.)   My method: Soak the seeds in warm water (sometimes I use weak tea or chamomile tea.  I haven't tried...
  6. M

    Vezena Piperka

    I grew it (under the name Rezha) a couple of years ago and am trying it again this year.  A friend sent me some seeds of Mini Vezena Piperka which I was going to grow instead, but I can't find them, so decided to go for the big ones again.   They produced reasonably well for me before and the...
  7. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

      It's almost four weeks since I sowed Rocoto Manzano.  The first one has popped this morning.  Yay!  In the past I've found rocotos taking longer to germinate than other species; I think those black shells are harder.  However, the La Paz popped in a week or less.
  8. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

    Yeah as far as I am concerned, thinning out involves discarding (or eating) the “thinned” seedlings. Pricking out is transferring them from the germination container into their next containers. For my chillies this is individual Jiffy pellets. So what I call pricking out is from the plastic...
  9. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

    Germinated so far: IC2 La Paz Choc Hab Purple Peach (CGN 21500) Aleppo BBG7 white BBG7 caramel The IC2 seedlings are at second true leaf stage so they really need potting up; hopefully I'll have chance to do it this weekend.  The two BBG varieties aren't pricked out yet and that needs doing...
  10. M

    Free seeds

    Mine arrived too.  Thank you!    I'm really sorry but I haven't sent mine off to you yet - things keep getting in the way.  I have bagged them up so can hopefully post them very soon.
  11. M

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Im really sorry to have taken so long; things have kept cropping up. Will go in the post tomorrow. Ive not taken any last seeds. Ive added: Moruga Caramel Fatalii Peach Sugar Rush Cream Havana Gold (baccatum)
  12. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

    Two varieties sown last Sunday are germinating: Choc Hab and Rocoto La Paz Rojo. Ive grown both before. La Paz was an absolute star so Im hoping for the same again. My previous choc hab was a poor specimen which produced just a few small pods so Im hoping for better; seeds are supposedly from...
  13. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

      I haven't had chance to go through it properly yet - will do so at the weekend.  I don't have enough seeds to add some this year.  After me, the seed train is going to Snagglepuss (if he sends me his address!) so he might add some.
  14. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

    The overwinters are mostly on my bedroom windowsills (plus one in the kitchen and a couple at work.)  My other half isn't too thrilled about it.  They are mostly in pop bottles (soda bottles for those of you across the pond who don't speak proper English) so constrained as small plants.   I...
  15. M

    Mitzi's 2020 pared down grow

    2019 was a poor year.  I had too many plants and they didn't get potted on when they should nor did they have the space and air and light they needed.  Even the plants in my neighbour's greenhouse didn't produce until very late into the autumn and most pods got frosted before they ripened. ...
  16. M

    b3rnd 2020

      Me too!   That is one huge list - I hope you have a really good season.
  17. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Ooh, I see we have a name!     My indoor plant is still alive on the spare bedroom windowsill and is flowering right now but I don't know if it will set pods at this time of year.  I'm trying to keep it alive for 2020 but I'm not planning to grow any more from seed, so I'll be at least one...
  18. M

    seed-train European Seed train...

      I'll have a look for the Hong Gochu seeds both in the Seed Train and also I still have some at home although I don't know if it's enough to spare.  I already have your address from last year, assuming you haven't moved?
  19. M

    seed-train European Seed train...

    It's arrived - really quick service.  Realistically, I won't have time to go through it properly until Sunday so I will try to move it on next week.  
  20. M

    Free seeds

      Thank you!  I've sent you a PM.  I'm sure I have some Pritamin seeds and might also have Krishna Jolokia so we can trade!