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  1. N

    Ideal spacing---in the Dirt---in rows & between rows

    I might be a little different than most, but I like mine a little tighter together, and I seem to get pretty good yields.   I grow in 8x4x1 beds, and I put 3 rows of 6 peppers in each bed. Works out to about 18 inches between plants after offsetting the outermost plants from the edge of the bed...
  2. N

    NuMex varieties?

    Maybe this question is too broad, but can somebody please provide an overview of some of the most popular numex peppers? I see a lot of different varieties (Big Jim, 6-4, etc.) and they even list the scoville rating, but I don't see many descriptions of the taste or other details. Can anybody...
  3. N

    sugar rush peach

    If I'm not mistaken, Peach and Cream Sugar Rush were variants of Red, originally. Probably just have some of each 3
  4. N

    End Rot on Anaheim, Bells and tomatoes

    The catch-22 for you here is that most organic fertilizers take much longer to add any benefit, but you need the benefit right away, but you need organic, but you need to the benefit right away... I'll stop there.   What's the standard of theirs in particular that CAL-MAG doesn't meet?
  5. N

    sugar rush peach Here's some pics of my Sugar Rush cream. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain (as certain as a newbie can be) that your 2nd pic is a Cream, not a Peach.
  6. N

    How hot are the Sugar Rush varieties? That's the first ripe red I've had, but there's probably 6 or 7 starting to ripen, too. Another 20 or so currently not ripening yet. Still flowering like crazy, too. Great plant from Refining Fire Chiles. Can't recommend them enough.
  7. N

    sugar rush peach

    I'm growing all 3 Sugar Rush varieties this year (Red, Peach, and Cream) and almost 100% sure that 2nd picture is a Sugar Rush Cream. I'll try take a pic of my plant when I get home to compare.
  8. N

    How hot are the Sugar Rush varieties?

    Just an update to this thread- I have a ripe Red on one plant, and some others in the process of ripening. A few full sized pods on the Peach and Cream, but no ripening yet. I'll post some pics when I have some time. 
  9. N

    NPK for setting fruit/ripening

    And as what I suppose is a secondary point of confusion for me, isn't a blanket statement about what kind of ratio *all* plants need a little misguided? Without knowing the soil conditions, watering regimen/rain amounts, pre-existing deficiencies, etc, isn't it impossible to know what an ideal...
  10. N

    NPK for setting fruit/ripening

      Thanks. I've already been using CAL-MAG to make sure there's no deficiency with either calcium or magnesium.   Out of curiosity, could you link to some of the studies about all plants needing a 3-1-2 ratio? I've genuinely never heard that before. I mean, I've heard close to that (as in, you...
  11. N

    NPK for setting fruit/ripening

      They've been getting a 3-1-2, and I'm looking to change to a 1-5-4. Does that sound about right?   EDIT: They started with 3-1-2 (as seedlings/young plants), that was the other CNS17 product (Grow, and looking at Ripe). They've had a balanced (pretty much 1-1-1) since then.
  12. N

    NPK for setting fruit/ripening

      I can take some when I get home. Plants are healthy, and most of them don't have this issue. It's actually mostly the bell peppers that are like 4-5 feet tall, but have maybe one flower and/or pepper each. Plenty of buds, just not blooms/peppers. 
  13. N

    NPK for setting fruit/ripening

    I've got tall and/or bushy plants all over the garden, but some seem to be putting too much energy into foliage growth rather than setting flowers/fruit or ripening fruit. I'm thinking of switching to a low N feeding from here on out (1-5-4). Any suggestions on if that's a good or horrible idea...
  14. N

    How long from flowering to ripe peppers?

      I'm right there with you. This is my first year with a large number of plants (had like 10 of a couple basic varieties these last couple of years) and I've killed a couple that seemed to be healthy until I got too involved.   I'm curious if the plants in question (dropping the flowers) are...
  15. N

    How long from flowering to ripe peppers?

      Lack of parity between different varieties as far as when they bloom and/or set pods isn't really a concern, and you should in fact expect that reapers will be noticeably slower than jalapenos. That said, what *is* a concern is any time any plant drops flowers for almost a month straight. That...
  16. N

    How long from flowering to ripe peppers?

      I could be wrong, but 3 or 4 weeks of flowering with no apparent pollination of any 1 of multiple pepper plants sounds like an issue. I wouldn't so much be worried about how much time you have left in the season as I would be by why pollination isn't occurring after nearly 1 month.   Are the...
  17. N

    How long from flowering to ripe peppers?

      You're basically guaranteed to not have frost for at least 10 weeks, probably more like 12 or 13, so you probably don't need to be worried (if "worried" means potentially not harvesting any peppers before frost) unless you don't have pods growing within a couple weeks.   How long have they...
  18. N

    How long from flowering to ripe peppers?

      Interesting. I feel like I've had the opposite experience with my Red Thai and Poblanos. Deeper Red/Green as time goes on and multiple harvests happen. Could just be me seeing things, though. I'm eating them too fast to compare multiple harvests.
  19. N

    health White dry spots on leaves

    I've had that issue when I've made 2 mistakes:   1) Watering in such a way as to allow the leaves to become soaked   and   2) Doing so at non-dusk hours.   Correcting either 1 or 2 usually resolves the issue (for preventing future burn, at least). Your issue could be unrelated, but my experience...
  20. N

    How long from flowering to ripe peppers?

      I think you might be on to something. My Habaneros had a similar period of not ripening, and the first one started ripening this time last week. Last night, I picked 6 ripe ones, and 3 or 4 more were at least half orange.   10 weeks still isn't that bad of a wait, I suppose. That should...