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    pod bought chocolate bhutlah seeds, this is what came out

    sorry for the late reply, took it off today
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    pod bought chocolate bhutlah seeds, this is what came out

    hi guys, bought and started from seeds, but this doesn't look like any of the bhutlah pics I saw online, what is this?
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    can anyone identify this?

    Hi all , planted these last year, I got the seeds from, suppose to be Carolina reaper but they don't look like the pictures at all, another thing is a lot of the peppers I harvested from these plants are not even that hot. anyone know what these might actually be?
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    Hi guys an update on my peppers, the 2 plants in the white pots are MRM 7 pot brown, rest are carolina reapers, the MRM grew larger but the reapers still look like crap, it doesn't looks like they grew at all  
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    wish my reapers grew that big winegum, all the ones in the brown pots are reapers in the above picture and they looks like weed lol, size wise anyway  
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    yea they all had around 10 peppers each i think , u think it's the breed that caused it to grow so fast? also as u can see the top leaves of the plants in the white  pot are all curled up, I gave it fertilizer so no idea what caused it, not sure if it's calcium deficiency
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    hey fireface I grew Trinidad Scorpion/Moruga scorpion (forgot which one) one summer 5 years ago and it grew pretty fast( total of 4 plants)  and I had like  4feet tall plants by the end of October, not sure if it's something that I did because I never fed it any fertilizer just water and nothing...
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    Thanks for the input everyone, here's an update on my peppers, turns out the 2 in the white pots are MRM 7pot brown and the rest reapers. they are still really small tho, I planted these in the beginning of Feb  
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    hey winggum I grew Trinidad scorpion butch T strain/Moruga scorpion (cant remember which one) 5 years ago one summer and they all grew pretty fast and all bore fruits by the end of the year. I'd say exponentially faster than the carolina reaper, Ill look into the 7pot brain strain next year. TY
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    TY ghostpepperevolution, ill look into acidifier
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    health need help with reaper problem( leaves curling/black spots)

    yes, is that bad? I bought the fertilizer about a month ago and have applied it twice now, am i using the wrong type of fertilizer?
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    health need help with reaper problem( leaves curling/black spots)

    hey solid I feed them miracle grow 12-4-8 once every 2 weeks, no I did not cover the potting mix but I would just rub a tiny bit onto the leaves with my fingers, not really dusting with the container so I don't think I got any onto the soil, If any it would be in super low amounts, these are...
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    health need help with reaper problem( leaves curling/black spots)

    Hi guys this reaper is almost 4 months old and the new leaves started to curl and have these dark spots, also the edge of some of the leaves have these nicks/cuts. I tried dusting sulfur on the leaves since I heard it could help with fungus infection, or is this something else?  
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    I leave them outside where it's in the mid 20s most of the time, drops to 15ish during the night, I use Promix potting soil, I just started giving them some bone meal 4-10-0 and before that i would sometimes feed them miracle grow 12-4-8, I grew Trinidad scorpion around 5 years ago one summer...
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    you guys think they are too small to be given fertilizers or no, also you guys think Miracle Grow 12-4-8 is a good choice for them or should I use 6-12-12 CIL Tomato Food for them? Sorry to bombard you guys with questions lol, much thanks!
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    Ty for the replies and suggestions everyone, Bicycle808 I took these pictures yesterday, do you think they look alright or on the small side?  
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    need recomendations on super hot peppers to grow

    Hi everyone I am a total noob and this year I started to grow peppers, I planted Carolina reaper/Moruga Scorpion and it's been almost 4 months since I planted them at the beginning in February  and they are still super small, later I learned that they are indeed slow growers. I live in Alberta...
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    Hello everyone, I desperately need help growing peppers

    hey Chorizo thanks for the tips, will do, do you know any peppers that are supper hot but are easier/faster to grow?
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    Hello everyone, I desperately need help growing peppers

    Hi Edmick starting about a month ago when it's between 18-23 I would take them outside for 8 hours or so and bring them back into the house over night when it would drop to 4-8 Celsius and before that I would leave them in front of a huge window where they could get around 5 hours of sunlight if...