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  1. M

    contest Gnarliest Pod! September 2021

    Just picked this little freak. Purple Death FP.
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    contest Gnarliest Pod! September 2021

    Reaper x Brainstrain
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    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Harvested some 7 pot cinders today:   Not as gnarly as the Cinders, but I was pretty pleased with my death spirals, too.  
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    Anyone know anything about Armageddon Peppers?

    I grew out 2 plants of Armageddon peppers this year.  I had a lot of difficulty finding any information on this variety, and none of the sites I purchased seeds from list it.  The best I could find was this 6 year old thread (which includes a comment that ironically says to give them 6 years due...
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    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Took an updated picture of that 7 Pot Cinder, plus one of my Death Spirals.  Those two varieties are by far the most gnarly I have growing.   Edit: Apologies, but I can't figure out how to rotate these.  They appear with normal orientation on my computer and phone, but rotate 90 degrees when...
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    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    7 pot cinder f3. This photo was taken at the beginning of the month. It's almost completely ripe. I'll try to remember to upload a picture when I get home this afternoon. Last I looked at it, it looked to be staying true to the desired caramel pheno.
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    hybrid Eating mysterious peppers and my own words. (A rant on crossed seeds)

    So far all my open pollinated plants have grown true; it's the isolated F3 - F5 plants that I keep getting off-pheno oddities. 
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    Started plants off in poor quality mix, unsure of how to transplant.

    I just went through the exact same thing.  I transplanted about half my peppers into better soil, since I had used some cheap soil from Home Depot that had very poor drainage. I didn't rinse off the roots.  I just removed as much of the large clumps of poor soil, and re-potted in better soil. ...
  9. M

    When and why you started growing peppers

    I've seen multiple references to Bishops Crown peppers having a much higher SHU rating (5,000 - 30,000) than Mad Hatters (500 SHU). I haven't tried Bishops Crown to confirm that heat level, but I grow Mad Hatters, and 500 is just about right.
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    What To Do with Ornamental Pods?

    I've heard that many ornamental varieties of chiles can make a decent powder, which probably won't add much flavor, but will add a bit of heat to whatever you put it on.  I haven't tried this yet, though (none of my peppers are considered ornamental).
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    topping pepper plants?

    It does help indeed help; thanks again!
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    topping pepper plants?

    Thank you for reporting your results. Yours were the only results I found. My takeaway from your results was that topping slowed initial growth, which resulted in less overall production. However... It also seems like you had a short season. Does this seem a fair assessment? Its been my...
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    topping pepper plants?

      Any word on the results?
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    breeding New cross: how many plants do you keep in each generation?

    I stand by "rule of cool", though... "purple jalapeño" sounds much better than "jalapeño purple".
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    breeding New cross: how many plants do you keep in each generation?

    I stand by "rule of cool", though... "purple jalapeño" sounds much better than "jalapeño purple".
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    breeding New cross: how many plants do you keep in each generation? Except...  Duffy spelled "Jalapeño" wrong :D
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    breeding New cross: how many plants do you keep in each generation?

      I'm going to blame autocowreck on my phone for that one lol!  Even though its ironically easier to type an ñ on my phone than my laptop...     I agree on Fishapeño Red and Fishapeño  Orange, but it should be Purple Fishapeño, not Fishapeño  Purple.    The first one rolls off the tongue much...
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    breeding New cross: how many plants do you keep in each generation?

    The fact that I fit a stereotype of new hobbyists will not stop me :) But space considerations in light of the information shared in this thread may force me to pick between a possible fishapeno and experimenting with vezena piperka crossed with... well, I'm not sure what yet. I was thinking...