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  1. wobble

    Potential Brisbane Chilli Festival 2010/11

    I'd be keen to attend! What can I do to help?
  2. wobble

    Hot Sauce & Fiery Foods Festival - Melbourne, Australia - 20, 21 Feb 2010

    Hot Sauce & Fiery Foods Festival Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st February 2010 More info:
  3. wobble

    hot-sauce Small bottles of various sauces - who sells sampler packs?

    Hey Team, I'm after a few different sauces to try and I don't want to go and buy full bottles of each. Who sells packs of small bottles as a sampler pack? I want about half a dozen different sauces to taste. Thanks Wobble
  4. wobble

    review Jamie Kocher eats Bhut Jolokia (video)

    Jamie Kocher, ceo of the Waimea Bay Chili Pepper Company, and, eats the largest and most spiciest part of the Bhut (Naga/Ghost) Jolokia Chili Pepper and this old man almost dies. The Bhut Jolokia holds the Guinness Book of World Record's title as the hottest pepper. Jamie...
  5. wobble

    India plans hot chilli grenades India plans hot chilli grenades Indian defence scientists are planning to put one of the world's hottest chilli powders into hand grenades. They say the devices will be used to control rioters and in counter-insurgency operations...
  6. wobble

    color Two daredevils eat 'killer' chillies and survive (news article) :mouthonfire:
  7. wobble

    cuisines Indian scientists tasked with creating a curry fit for orbit

    "A team of Indian military scientists has been tasked with developing a curry fit to be consumed by astronauts in space."
  8. wobble

    review Kid tries Naga Jalokia (video)
  9. wobble

    review Gavin eats a naga jolokia (video)
  10. wobble

    Who needs a Christmas Tree when you have Chilli Plants.

    Anyone here decorate their chilli plants for Christmas? Would love to see some pictures :P I'm sure chilli plants make a great gift idea for Christmas.
  11. wobble

    yield-harvest High yielding hot chilli plant variety?

    nice bigt... I might have to add them to my arsenal.
  12. wobble

    Man dies after eating chilli sauce

    I would rather die happy with a big red grin om my face.
  13. wobble

    Is hot/spicy food an addiction?

    Maybe I can get my doctor to prescribe this drug to me and even my health fund to pay for it. Great! Please send me chillies for health reasons.
  14. wobble

    Heat from foods other than chilis.

    Wasabi peas are ok...
  15. wobble

    smoking Sausage season has begun

    Damn, that looks really nice. Nothing beats making your own. I'm hungry now... where can I get some good sausage in Brisbane?
  16. wobble

    yield-harvest High yielding hot chilli plant variety?

    Thanks stillmanz I can't wait to come over and check out your set of dynamites. I'm based near Jindalee. Where are you located?
  17. wobble

    yield-harvest High yielding hot chilli plant variety?

    Thanks guys. The Tabasco and Super Chili might be the good options. (now I got to find some good steroids for the plants)
  18. wobble

    yield-harvest High yielding hot chilli plant variety?

    Hey Guys, I would like to know what is a high yielding hot chilli plant variety? I want a plant which will have tons of chillies and fruit all year long. Would it be the Tabasco? Thanks Wobble
  19. wobble

    Oz Summer Storms

    I wonder if home insurance would cover my chilli plant collection?