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  1. Dave in Spain

    PRF October Harvests

  2. Dave in Spain

    overwintering overwintering help needed

    Where I live in Spain it has not seen below zero since the last ice age. The plants I have are strong and will definatly survive outside over winter. Should I try to cut them back or just leave them?,... which will be best for the plants for next year? Saw somewhere that my scotch bonnet (the...
  3. Dave in Spain

    supersimple habanero sauce ideas

    My next one will just be some scotch bonnets and white vinegar blended up to the thickness I want and bottled. A Louisiana style sauce I think it said :?: Whatever the result it will be a vast improvement on my other attempts!!
  4. Dave in Spain

    China police hot-wire sleepy drivers with chilli

    China police hot-wire sleepy drivers with chilli Reuters 3 hours 33 mins ago Police in southwest China are spicing up drivers with raw chilli in a bid to stop them falling asleep at the wheel, a newspaper said Wednesday. Police in the Chongqing region have started serving drivers chilli...
  5. Dave in Spain

    No cotyledons. WTF?

    Me too, :oops: as long as they taste good :P
  6. Dave in Spain

    No cotyledons. WTF?

    WTF? 3 cotyledons. I have 3 cotyledons on one of my plants, is this a record? lol :onfire:
  7. Dave in Spain

    New from UK

    Hello fellow newbie, some interesting threads worth reading on here. Good growing!!:mouthonfire:
  8. Dave in Spain

    Hello Chilli Growers.

    On line fraud, staff monitoring, access control, server monitoring and spending half your shift on!! lol
  9. Dave in Spain

    Hello Chilli Growers.

    Security for an on line gaming company,being ex Army it was easy to get when I moved out here!!
  10. Dave in Spain

    Hello Chilli Growers.

    Hi Novacastrian, yeh I work in Gib and live in Spain,25 mins down the coast heading towards Marbella.
  11. Dave in Spain

    Hello Chilli Growers.

    lol, ty, Hi Pam.
  12. Dave in Spain

    Hello Chilli Growers.

    Its been great reading the good advice from people around the world. My first time growing chillis but so far so good, 18 seedlings transplanted today, 10 almost ready to transplant, 10 not very healthy!! One has 3 leaves and is healthy, perhaps it may produce a bigger yield.:onfire: I will...