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  1. L

    Corn Smut & Raven's Excrement

    Unfortunatly i did not take photos of the corn smut. but if you can google the name you'll find lots of photos and understand why I was taken aback by the sight of it protruding from my ear of corn. it's NOT attractive. The taste test: Not Bad. I'm not overly mushroomy to begin with... most...
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    Corn Smut & Raven's Excrement

    Now that I have your attention, I would like to know if any of you have ever used corn smut (or raven's excrement) in your cooking. weird. i know - right? but i discovered this for the first time today. It is a fungus found on corn (a mushroom - literally) and is a delicacy in mexico. there...
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    A few queries... pH, fish poo n O2

    This magazine has a lot of great information. I posted another thread inquiring about my pepper plants not wanting to grow. I got a lot of great responses - but some of the articles on htat website. Thanks for posting it.
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    food CRab Stuffed Hab's

    this could be a lot like heaven.
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    organic Organic Recommendations Please...

    LOL. hey, thanks everyone! i was reading through the older posts on here and read a lot about epsom salts. I take it you're all not thinking that this is the cure? Is the goal potassium? Or Nitrates? or just the sh*t? LOL. Cause I could poop on it myself... LOL... j/k I was just about to...
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    organic Organic Recommendations Please...

    Okay, a real question concerning peppers.... ordinarily my pepper plants flourish like crazy, very rapidly and produce early. this year, i was give my pepper plants by a friend of a friend who owns green houses and sells at farmer markets and such. they are not flourishing early or growing...
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    Okay, a real question concerning peppers.... ordinarily my pepper plants flourish like crazy...

    Okay, a real question concerning peppers.... ordinarily my pepper plants flourish like crazy, very rapidly and produce early. this year, i was give my pepper plants by a friend of a friend who owns green houses and sells at farmer markets and such. they are not flourishing early or growing...
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    what the heck does Pwned mean?????

    what the heck does Pwned mean?????
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    I think I might have made myself allergic to chilis

    Well you know... when the title of the thread was "Hot Talk" - really never expected to see pix of some sweaty hairy armpits and such. not to worrry. i've found other threads.... there is one on a website called "physical anomolies and the human condition", great recipe for jumbalaya! really...
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    I think I might have made myself allergic to chilis

    Peppers ar the Pits! I'm pretty new to the hot pepper site. I signed on thinking I would get lots of great tips on how to grow them, where to get them, and lots of tasty recipes on how to use them. Imagine my surprise when I found myself reading a lengthy discussion on some random strangers...
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    food Killer Anaheim's

    me want some.
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    7 Pod skin porn..

    7 Pods are PEOPLE!
  14. L

    I'm New to You!

    Hallo, I just discovered this website and thought to myself, "It needs my membership". So I signed up. I am a gardening enthusiast who loves to grow hot peppers and would love to interact and learn from others who might have more experience than I do. I usually grow about a dozen plants in my...