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  1. N

    overwintering Overwinter inside

    Sighh fall is almost here and those of us in a multi season climates have to bring in our plants (lucky BamaJack :P) Currently they're in pots but can I cut them down for winter or whats gonna get them to survive and make it to next April? Plant light?
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    seeds Damn cats attacked my seedlings today!!

    Outta 30 hopefuls I think they only finished off 5-6 which sucks but it's better then all 30. Quite a few have missing leaves but still have some leaves so they should recover. I also have another 100+ seeds of the variety too. No, no harm can come to the cats either. They'd love to go outside...
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    Once there get their first leaves.
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    Sure seem to be growing quick. This is 5 days after the original picture.
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    Here's the setup
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    over 40 seedlings today!!! No failure to mold either. More coming up for tomorrow. using 2 aquarium lights seems to be getting them out asap. :hell:
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    Here they come!!!
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    Too early to plant?

    You can get them started in something as simple as a milk jug. I've already started some of my seeds in a seedling tray $6 and an aquarium light $15 on top. They're already growing.
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    Not bad, 10 days later and the seedlings are spouting. Will post pics once more are outta the soil.
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    fruit borers

    I found their attracted to rotting peppers, tomatoes, etc. Also a type of trap designed for apple maggots and other fruit fly pests. Apple Maggot Traps
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    fruit borers

    Pepper maggots can be found in New England too. Might be time to setup some cloth deterrents.
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    I planted the seeds last night but there's no plants yet this morning??? :crazy:
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    T5 vs T12

    If you have stuff laying around it's not worth it but to start out it is. You'll end up saving on the elec over time.
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    B.C. homeowner fined $5,200 for growing cucumbers

    Morons!! Use a highly trained drug dog for "inspections"
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    Newhotstuff's YUMMY ORANGE GROWLOG

    Oh boy the seeds are here! Let the germination begin!
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    Help me please!!

    You can try something called a scarecrow which is a sprinkler on a motions sensor or spraying them with diluted vinegar
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    Lazies 2011 grow log

    You might be wise to do raised gardened beds unless you like the taste or arsenic and other pressure treating chemicals likely in your fencing.
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    Something is at my plants...

    One of my cats loves chewing on my pepper plant leafs and makes holes in them.
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    Something is at my plants...

    Do you have a cat?