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  1. G


    Actually quite the opposite. I have eight kids who attend school and I am not a big hand washer. Maybe I had everything as a kid and am now immune.
  2. G


    Hi, I just want to introduce myself and pose a question. I live in the deep south and have been a chilihead for a long time. I am in the process of planning my own restaurant/diner in my home town. My question is, I have always had cravings for spice and/or vinegar based products. Isn't this...
  3. G

    misc Mayo based sauce

    But once you open the mayo it is not shelf stable anymore. Is there some sort of gas that they put in before sealing to eliminate refridgeration? And I am using store bought mayo, would not attempt to make my own, unless I need to that is.
  4. G

    misc Mayo based sauce

    Thats the whole reason for asking in the first place. I have some sauces that I have been playing around with for a while that I believe will market well.
  5. G

    misc Mayo based sauce

    I'm sorry. I am trying to make it shelf stable for marketing. I would like to be able to do it myself but if its to complicated or to expensive I would let someone else do it. I do have access to a commissary.
  6. G

    misc Mayo based sauce

    Anybody bottled any mayo based sauces. What kind of problems did you encounter?