
Hi, I just want to introduce myself and pose a question. I live in the deep south and have been a chilihead for a long time. I am in the process of planning my own restaurant/diner in my home town. My question is, I have always had cravings for spice and/or vinegar based products. Isn't this your body saying it needs this stuff? I have noticed that I don't get sick as much as other people. There has got to be a study on this somewhere but I can't find it. Any input?
Hello and Welcome from Virginia.
Hello Georgiadogs!!! Don't know for sure about the studies, but everything I've read about chilis say they are like a health nut's dream food. I alway feel just capital after I eat one:onfire:
Welcome dogs....WAR EAGLE!!!

I have been eating peppers with every meal for the past 10 years and haven't had a cold or anything major in that time...I don't know about any research, just it works for me...
Welcome from Lake Constance, Germany!

I don't know about studies concerning peppers and general health. I know that higher doses of capsaicin are helpful against prostatic cancer.
Gotta love entrepenuers.

Sounds like you have everything going for you as to not get sick - like no kids; I bet you are excellent at washing your hands and sneezing in your sleeve. (I still have dirt under my finger nails from preparing the garden for winter yesterday and I bet I can find kid buggars on my jeans if I look hard enough).

Actually quite the opposite. I have eight kids who attend school and I am not a big hand washer. Maybe I had everything as a kid and am now immune.
Welcome from Sweden!

I have heard the claim that chile heads don't get sick as often as normal people before, but I haven't seen any research. Maybe it's just that we generally are more interested in food and cooking and because of that eat healthier than the average person? (There are some scary exceptions to that on this forum as you will see...;) )